Whether a rust interface is provided with ICPSwap

I am trying to build a crypto fund on ICP. The fund manager needs to make investments and other operations using SWAP. I want to access ICPSwap.

  1. Is there a rust interface provided?
    2.Is it possible to deploy ICPSwap locally for testing?

Hello, Sir!

Thank you for reaching out and welcome to the IC ecosystem!

Regarding your inquiries:

1/ You can refer to and utilize this document: GitHub - ICPSwap-Labs/docs

2/ As ICPSwap is not fully open-source yet (but it will be soon!), local deployment for testing is currently unavailable. However, you can conduct a test with a small amount in the production environment for now (https://app.icpswap.com). We will let you know once we are ready!

If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to us anytime or contact us via “contact@icpswap.org”!

Best regards

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Appreciate your response!

We will proceed with production env so that we can test out the idea. Looking forward to the open-sourced codes.


All the best


Sorry for being a little bit offtopic.

Is there a way to query how much liquidity of both tokens are in a pool?
The quote method just returns the estimation. But I want to know how many is stored inside.

Got it. Devs will provide you with guidance, and we will get back to you soon.

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Hello, sir. Please check this out:

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(Image 1)
(Image 2)

Hello there,

Please help me understanding these two questions:

  1. As tag 1 shown in image 1, token has the type of text. Why not principal as described in the image 2?
  2. As tag 2 shown in image 1, amountIn and amountOutMinimum have the type of text. Why not use nat?

Thank you!

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Yes sir. It’s just that some of the flawed type definitions. Because some third parties are already using them, it’s not easy to change them. Thank you so much!

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Thank you for your reply!

BTW, we’d like to deploy the ICPSwap locally. When will the project be open sourced, please?

Thank you.

Yes, The backend code for ICPSwap has been open-sourced, and the frontend code will soon.

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Hello ICPSwap,

One of the dependencies of your repo is not open-sourced. I can not deploy ICPSwap locally. Please check it out. Thank you.

It works now, please try again. Thanks.

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