Tokenomics Proposal [Community Consideration]

Hello all, just wanted to introduce myself. My name is John Wiegley and I’m a Principal Engineer at DFINITY, since three years ago. I’ve working with @johan on ideas related to future Tokenomics proposals, and have read all of ideas above with great interest. Please keep the flow of ideas coming, and let me know what you find confusing or worrisome, or what works great for you, in the current model.

Transfer of neurons is a hot issue that gets asked about in many places. There are definitely security issues, as mentioned above, where transferability could detach stakeholders from consequences, leading to negative voting scenarios. However, allowing early exit at penalty is definitely worth thinking about more. It’s something Johan and I have discussed in the past, and even written some proposals to address, and we are still chewing on the idea. How would you imagine something like this working, that does not take away accountability from our current voting system?
