Threshold ECDSA Signatures

5 doesn’t help much with the collusion attack vector which is what worries me most. The Bitcoin integration is live, and ckBTC is about to be live. Assuming the tECDSA subnet has 34 nodes (can anyone confirm?) Then 12 (11?) node operators can collude to steal everything built on top of that master tECDSA key (right?).

12 known parties, who know each other and do not rotate their membership on a regular basis, can do this.

We’re going to try storing $millions or more here?

Update: I’m trying to identify the tECDSA subnet. What is its id? I’m looking through the subnets on the dashboard and there are only a few higher-replication subnets to choose from, the NNS, the one fiduciary, and one other system subnet that is identified as the II subnet.

The unmarked system subnet Subnet: w4rem-dv5e3-widiz-wbpea-kbttk-mnzfm-tzrc7-svcj3-kbxyb-zamch-hqe - IC Dashboard only has 13 nodes, but it seems most likely to be the tECDSA subnet. Which is it?

I’ll update this new thread with the relevant information once known: tECDSA subnet id and takeover threshold