Correct, this proposal was triggered by the lessons learned from the slow NNS subnet incident. It was rejected because it was submitted at a bit of an unfortunate moment, right before the Schnorr key resharing, and the longer DKG interval length would’ve had a slight negative effect on that operation. We plan to resubmit the proposal tomorrow.
We’re basically trying to unify as much as we can, but some things are challenging. Currently some NNS canisters rely on this larger max_ingress_bytes_per_message, so work is needed on that side before we can change it.
Wrt notary delays: note that this is not unique to the NNS subnet, but we have higher values for all large subnets. This value should be aligned with the amount of time it actually takes to disseminate artifacts, which in turn is dependent on the subnet size. So we’ll probably look into it more, but I expect that we may want to keep some differences there.