Subnet Management - tdb26 (NNS)

Voted to reject proposal 133078.

This proposal main reason is to replace the offline node 2tk2h. In addition to this replacement two other replacements are sugested to increase the Nakamoto Coefficient. Using the DRE tool to analyse the proposed changes the coefficients for the node_provider and city are increased while the data_center_owner metric worsens. The debate over this metrics has been talked about in other forum posts and I have to agree with @timk11 and @Lorimer. The importance of the IC Target Topology only stands if it’s followed thoroughly. If other metrics should be considered, like the city, that’s a debate needed for further proposals on the target topology. As of now, the city parameter is not relevant from the view point of the target topology so this metric shouldn’t be focused on this type of proposals. In comparison, having the coefficient of the data_center_owner metric worsened is much more relevant. With the suggested nodes I think replacing the dead node with the node zxt3p would be a much better choice since the problem of the dead node is solved and we don’t go further from the target topology.

I would like to hear opinions on this, but I think that if it happens the case where a dead node must be rapidly replaced in a subnet, the best solution might be to just make a proposal for the replacement of this node so there’s no friction in it’s approval. Of course, if it’s possible to increase the coefficients and come closer to the target topology, meaning not sacrificing important metrics, I would certainly vote in favor of such a change.

Thanks for the work and hope we can continue this discussion