Subnet Management - pzp6e (Fiduciary)

Thanks @timk11. Great point, we can be sure that the IC dashboard shows this node as residing in Sri Lanka. A couple of questions though, do we know,

  • how this information is obtained on the IC and verified?
  • how this information has been kept up-to-date beyond the formal node provider onboarding process?
  • that the responses coming from this node are insulated from tampering by the Indian authorities (who at the very least have access to nodes performing the same compute as this node, and a signal that is at least routed from this node though an Indian IP address)? (sounds paranoid, but it’s the sort of thing the country coefficient is supposed to be in place to protect against)

The external IP address for this node is 2400:a240:0:2:6801:63ff:fe71:6299. The public record for this IP address locates it in India.

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