Subnet Management - General Discussion

@Lorimer @wpb allow me to make a summary so to make sure we’re on the same page as to the proposals, even for me this is a very long thread to go through. These proposals are related to the four year period of operating nodes, that is expiring for all node providers between Dec’24 and Jan’25. As per this motion proposal from the Gen1 node providers themselves, node providers can continue to operate a max of 42 node machines at a lower reward, and (if they want) sell any excess nodes to other new/existing node providers.

There are two separate cases related to the 18 proposals:

  • 17 of these proposals are related to what @katiep clarified as nodes for which Dfinity is the owner. These nodes are in four data centers (AT1, FM1, SJ1, TP1) and will be partly sold (AT1) partly repurposed.

  • The proposal 13482 is from 87M, the first node provider for which a proposal is submitted to remove excess nodes from the network so these nodes can be resold or repurposed. However, this proposal contains to wrong data center name (a data center in which they intended to keep nodes), so it needs to be resubmitted.

So the next weeks, we will see more proposals related to this:

  • proposals of Gen1 node providers with updated node type to reflect lower rewards.

  • proposals of Gen1 node providers for a new node operator record (only if the node provider decides to redeploy their existing nodes without HSM)

  • proposals to remove excess nodes that are active in a subnet from the network, so these nodes can be removed and resold/repurposed.

  • new node provider proposals and new data center proposals if excess nodes are sold to a new node provider that is setting up excess nodes in a new data center

  • proposals to remove any existing node operator records for NPs that stop operating (which also results in stopping any rewards)

  • proposals from DRE team (end of February) to remove the original reward scheme from the registry.

Unfortunately this process is not fully automated (it’s complex yes…), so please bear with the team, and all reviews are very muc appreciated and welcome.

The point from @wpb on what to do with any vacant spots is interesting, I suggest to explore the pros and cons further in this thread.

Hopefully this clarifies!