Subnet Management - eq6en (Application)

This topic is intended to capture Subnet Management activities over time for the eq6en subnet, providing a place to ask questions and make observations about the management of this subnet.


DFINITY will submit an NNS proposal today to reduce the notarization delay on the subnet, eq6en, similar to what has happened on other subnets in recent weeks (you can find all details in this forum thread).


Voted to adopt Proposal 133139. This proposal is intended to reduce network latency by reducing the notarization delay from 600ms to 300ms for subnet eq6en, as has now happened for the majority of application subnets.


Voted to adopt, the id is a match and it’s the same reduction as we are all aware of on the majority of subnets by now.

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Voted to adopt proposal 133139. Similar to recent proposals that have been made targeting application subnets like eq6en to reduce the notarization delay from 600ms to 300ms according to roadmaps established.

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Voted to adopt proposal 134180, as the reasoning is sound and the description matches the payload. This proposal replaces 2 healthy nodes, both of which appear as “Active” on the IC dashboard. The proposed change improves decentralisation with respect to data centre owner and country and brings the target topology parameters to within the requirements.


Proposal 134180

TLDR: I’m planning to adopt.

This is a superb proposal, which brings this subnet inline with the IC Target Topology, by reducing the max number of nodes per country from 3 to 2, and reducing the max number of nodes per node operator in this subnet from 2 to 1. See ‘Decentralisation Stats’ below for more detail.

Note that this comes with a slight reduction in decentralisation in terms of max number of nodes per continent (increases from 5 to 6) - but this isn’t a formal part of the IC Target Toplogy.


  • replacing node ijqzn-wklsd-asfzv-ixif4-u7lrb-dblfi-mcq2d-nrwuk-d6cys-jgnar-7qe to optimize network topology
  • replacing node ebfjs-4yyde-6v3qo-zhvwl-2fvp2-4tarv-autre-tparv-kwi7f-t4wml-fae to optimize network topology

A US and German node replaced with nodes in Lithuania and Belgium.

Decentralisation Stats

Subnet node distance stats (distance between any 2 nodes in the subnet) →

Smallest Distance Average Distance Largest Distance
EXISTING 321.16 km 7339.284 km 15377.131 km
PROPOSED 0 km (-100%) 6967.167 km (-5.1%) 14817.958 km (-3.6%)

This proposal reduces decentralisation, considered purely in terms of geographic distance (and therefore there’s a slight theoretical reduction in localised disaster resilience). :-1:

Subnet characteristic counts →

Continents Countries Data Centers Owners Node Providers Node Operator
EXISTING 3 11 13 12 13 13
PROPOSED 3 11 13 13 (+7.7%) 13 13

Largest number of nodes with the same characteristic (e.g. continent, country, data center, etc.) →

Continent Country Data Center Owner Node Provider Node Operator
EXISTING 5 3 1 2 1 1
PROPOSED 6 (+20%) 2 (-33.34%) 1 1 (-50%) 1 1
:star_struck: :point_up: :star_struck: :point_up:

See here for acceptable limits → Motion 132136

The above subnet information is illustrated below, followed by a node reference table:

Map Description
  • Red marker represents a removed node (transparent center for overlap visibility)
  • Green marker represents an added node
  • Blue marker represents an unchanged node
  • Highlighted patches represent the country the above nodes sit within (red if the country is removed, green if added, otherwise grey)
  • Light grey markers with yellow borders are examples of unassigned nodes that would be viable candidates for joining the subnet according to formal decentralisation coefficients (so this proposal can be viewed in the context of alternative solutions that are not being used)

Continent Country Data Center Owner Node Provider Node Operator Node Status Performance
--- Europe Germany Frankfurt 2 (fr2) Equinix Virtual Hive Ltd 3nu7r ebfjs-4yyde-6v3qo-zhvwl-2fvp2-4tarv-autre-tparv-kwi7f-t4wml-fae UP :bar_chart:
--- Americas United States of America (the) Allentown (aw1) Tierpoint Bigger Capital codio ijqzn-wklsd-asfzv-ixif4-u7lrb-dblfi-mcq2d-nrwuk-d6cys-jgnar-7qe UP :bar_chart:
+++ Europe Belgium Seoul 3 (kr1) KT Pindar Technology Limited iubpe ijend-azski-eod2m-d2lqp-a3y3u-x44xl-7mapp-bjr6r-qw4v5-okx55-cae UNASSIGNED :bar_chart:
+++ Europe Lithuania Vilnius 1 (bt1) Baltneta Maksym Ishchenko xr5zy u5ycx-4avna-dp4ca-svus4-iycai-cmcrg-do5ll-qmosp-segtt-5jmu7-dqe UNASSIGNED :bar_chart:
Europe Belgium Antwerp (an1) Datacenter United Allusion pgunx rg3ny-2qkvz-btitk-sxuiu-fsl2h-nkmij-lagjs-y4bnq-cb63u-vh2rd-aqe UP :bar_chart:
Americas Canada Toronto (to1) Cyxtera Blockchain Development Labs 6oxlv tliwu-apd5m-f5kxi-g37rt-cqcag-4kmua-v7dsq-xsmv4-pvmhr-la6hu-xae UP :bar_chart:
Europe Switzerland Geneva (ge1) HighDC Archery Blockchain SCSp yngfj ew5us-dwxat-fg6sp-opp2j-fjjg7-rcmyj-d3saj-vyych-f3keg-5kor5-yqe UP :bar_chart:
Asia China HongKong 4 (hk4) hkntt Web3game dg7of s5waw-pnvds-kpwqg-n6bly-r45vy-ax64x-sltbe-bbzl3-74npl-u4sos-mae UP :bar_chart:
Asia India New Delhi 1 (nd1) Marvelous Web3 DC Marvelous Web3 ri4lg mlbpy-pvy7z-gfwcb-5bakp-cuubm-prmi3-dppq6-rlepq-nkyvb-u7acf-fqe UP :bar_chart:
Asia Japan Tokyo 2 (ty2) Equinix Starbase dpt4y 2vmqi-lwsmy-rad75-wus6x-3rlbf-cgig6-rtheo-t42r2-i4vdg-jyguw-uqe UP :bar_chart:
Asia Singapore Singapore (sg1) Telin OneSixtyTwo Digital Capital d4bin nhkbm-fqj7r-jdjii-spvcr-to3iu-ccrkm-pils3-6io5l-ahtry-qhlly-4ae UP :bar_chart:
Europe Slovenia Ljubljana (lj1) Fractal Labs AG gl27f 2lhun-vmepu-zc7ic-6lrjj-o4yda-nlmwn-m4i2i-h4oby-hwv4y-mpv7c-fae UP :bar_chart:
Europe Sweden Stockholm 1 (sh1) Digital Realty DFINITY Operations SA lgp6d wvxfb-eqeex-26z4r-vefff-llfh7-vv76x-pje4o-oh57m-eklny-zcs56-wae UP :bar_chart:
Americas United States of America (the) Orlando (or1) Datasite Giant Leaf, LLC redpf dkx5h-i5d56-xeb37-uldi5-dlgmp-atrom-gyfn7-edeih-i5ph6-2cquy-dqe UP :bar_chart:
Americas United States of America (the) Phoenix (ph1) CyrusOne MI Servers 5bnm2 7qvtt-6lr4l-gx337-d6xvn-55ka2-6kcx2-c7iby-w36qm-u3ojf-ildyc-iqe UP :bar_chart:

Known Neurons to follow if you're too busy to keep on top of things like this

If you found this analysis helpful and would like to follow the vote of the LORIMER known neuron in the future, consider configuring LORIMER as a followee for the Subnet Management topic.

Another good neuron to follow is Synapse (follows the LORIMER and CodeGov known neurons for Subnet Management, and is a generally well informed known neuron to follow on numerous other topics)


Voted to adopt proposal #134180.

The proposal replaces 2 healthy Active status nodes form Fremont and Allentown, US and Frankfurt 2, DE in order to optimize network topology.

Voted to adopt proposal 134180. The proposal replaces two nodes from subnet eq6en:
Removed Nodes: ijqzn, ebfjs.
Added Nodes: u5ycx and ijend.
The proposal was verified using the DRE tool to verify the metrics stated. All nodes replaced are healthy but this replacements improve the network topology on the data_center_owner and country` metrics by reducing the number of nodes from data_center_owner Equinix from 2 to 1 and the number of nodes in the US from 3 to 2.

A new proposal with id 134546 has been submitted, please take a look.

Click here to open proposal details

Replace nodes in subnet eq6en

The following nodes in subnet eq6en have been cordoned and need to be removed from the subnet:

Decentralization Nakamoto coefficient changes for subnet eq6en-6jqla-fbu5s-daskr-h6hx2-376n5-iqabl-qgrng-gfqmv-n3yjr-mqe:

    node_provider: 5.00 -> 5.00    (+0%)
      data_center: 5.00 -> 5.00    (+0%)
data_center_owner: 5.00 -> 5.00    (+0%)
             area: 5.00 -> 5.00    (+0%)
          country: 4.00 -> 4.00    (+0%)

Mean Nakamoto comparison: 4.80 → 4.80 (+0%)

Overall replacement impact: equal decentralization across all features


Nodes removed:

  • 2vmqi-lwsmy-rad75-wus6x-3rlbf-cgig6-rtheo-t42r2-i4vdg-jyguw-uqe [health: healthy]
  • rg3ny-2qkvz-btitk-sxuiu-fsl2h-nkmij-lagjs-y4bnq-cb63u-vh2rd-aqe [health: healthy]

Nodes added:

  • bz4m4-xsx2j-seecl-igygc-26lej-uhktf-hawf2-d6lof-2whss-3jobs-dae [health: healthy]
  • 6fm36-gj33w-34vuw-rb6se-62vzz-he655-2vasp-jnu6w-ixzel-e6azy-eae [health: healthy]
    node_provider                                                         data_center            data_center_owner            area                        country   
    -------------                                                         -----------            -----------------            ----                        -------   
    4r6qy-tljxg-slziw-zoteo-pboxh-vlctz-hkv2d-7zior-u3pxm-mmuxb-cae  1    an1          1 -> 0    AtlasEdge          0 -> 1    Arizona                1    BE       1
    64xe5-tx2s3-4gjmj-pnozr-fejw2-77y5y-rhcjk-glnmx-62brf-qin5q-pqe  1    br2          0 -> 1    Baltneta                1    Brussels Capital  0 -> 1    CA       1
    6nbcy-kprg6-ax3db-kh3cz-7jllk-oceyh-jznhs-riguq-fvk6z-6tsds-rqe  1    bt1               1    CyrusOne                1    Flanders          1 -> 0    CH       1
    7at4h-nhtvt-a4s55-jigss-wr2ha-ysxkn-e6w7x-7ggnm-qd3d5-ry66r-cae  1    ge1               1    Cyxtera                 1    Florida                1    HK       1
    7ryes-jnj73-bsyu4-lo6h7-lbxk5-x4ien-lylws-5qwzl-hxd5f-xjh3w-mqe  1    hk4               1    Datacenter United  1 -> 0    Geneva                 1    IN       1
    7uioy-xitfw-yqcko-5gpya-3lpsw-dw7zt-dyyyf-wfqif-jvi76-fdbkg-cqe  1    kr1               1    Datasite                1    HongKong               1    JP       1
    bvcsg-3od6r-jnydw-eysln-aql7w-td5zn-ay5m6-sibd2-jzojt-anwag-mqe  1    lj1               1    Digital Realty          1    Ljubljana              1    KR       1
    izmhk-lpjum-uo4oy-lviba-yctpc-arg4b-2ywim-vgoiu-gqaj2-gskmw-2qe  1    nd1               1    Equinix                 1    New Delhi              1    LT       1
    r3yjn-kthmg-pfgmb-2fngg-5c7d7-t6kqg-wi37r-j7gy6-iee64-kjdja-jae  1    or1               1    HighDC                  1    Ontario                1    SE       1
    rbn2y-6vfsb-gv35j-4cyvy-pzbdu-e5aum-jzjg6-5b4n5-vuguf-ycubq-zae  1    ph1               1    KT                      1    Seoul                  1    SG       1
    sixix-2nyqd-t2k2v-vlsyz-dssko-ls4hl-hyij4-y7mdp-ja6cj-nsmpf-yae  1    sg1               1    Marvelous Web3 DC       1    Singapore              1    SI       1
    wdjjk-blh44-lxm74-ojj43-rvgf4-j5rie-nm6xs-xvnuv-j3ptn-25t4v-6ae  1    sh1               1               1    Stockholm              1    US       2
    wwdbq-xuqhf-eydzu-oyl7p-ga565-zm7s7-yrive-ozgsy-zzgh3-qwb3j-cae  1    to1               1    Telin                   1    Tokyo                  1              
                                                                          ty1          0 -> 1    hkntt                   1    Vilnius                1              
                                                                          ty2          1 -> 0                                                                       
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Proposal 134546

TLDR: I’ll adopt. The proposal links directly to what appears to be discussion with the NP about the proposal. Decentralisation stats look good.

Decentralisation Stats

Subnet node distance stats (distance between any 2 nodes in the subnet) →

Smallest Distance Average Distance Largest Distance
EXISTING 0 km 6967.167 km 14817.958 km
PROPOSED 0 km 6967.167 km 14817.958 km

Subnet characteristic counts →

Continents Countries Data Centers Owners Node Providers Node Operator
EXISTING 3 11 13 13 13 13
PROPOSED 3 11 13 13 13 13

Largest number of nodes with the same characteristic (e.g. continent, country, data center, etc.) →

Continent Country Data Center Owner Node Provider Node Operator
EXISTING 6 2 1 1 1 1
PROPOSED 6 2 1 1 1 1

See here for acceptable limits → Motion 132136

The above subnet information is illustrated below, followed by a node reference table:

Map Description
  • Red marker represents a removed node (transparent center for overlap visibility)
  • Green marker represents an added node
  • Blue marker represents an unchanged node
  • Highlighted patches represent the country the above nodes sit within (red if the country is removed, green if added, otherwise grey)
  • Light grey markers with yellow borders are examples of unassigned nodes that would be viable candidates for joining the subnet according to formal decentralisation coefficients (so this proposal can be viewed in the context of alternative solutions that are not being used)

Node Changes
Action Node Status Continent Country Data Center Owner Node Provider Node Operator
Remove rg3ny UP :bar_chart: Europe Belgium Antwerp (an1) Datacenter United Allusion pgunx
Remove 2vmqi UP :bar_chart: Asia Japan Tokyo 2 (ty2) Equinix Starbase dpt4y
Add 6fm36 UNASSIGNED :bar_chart: Europe Belgium Brussels 2 (br2) AtlasEdge Allusion oorkg
Add bz4m4 UNASSIGNED :bar_chart: Asia Japan Tokyo (ty1) Equinix Starbase cqjev
Other Nodes
Node Status Continent Country Data Center Owner Node Provider Node Operator
ijend UP :bar_chart: Europe Belgium Seoul 3 (kr1) KT Pindar Technology Limited iubpe
tliwu UP :bar_chart: Americas Canada Toronto (to1) Cyxtera Blockchain Development Labs 6oxlv
ew5us UP :bar_chart: Europe Switzerland Geneva (ge1) HighDC Archery Blockchain SCSp yngfj
s5waw UP :bar_chart: Asia China HongKong 4 (hk4) hkntt Web3game dg7of
mlbpy UP :bar_chart: Asia India New Delhi 1 (nd1) Marvelous Web3 DC Marvelous Web3 ri4lg
u5ycx UP :bar_chart: Europe Lithuania Vilnius 1 (bt1) Baltneta Maksym Ishchenko xr5zy
nhkbm UP :bar_chart: Asia Singapore Singapore (sg1) Telin OneSixtyTwo Digital Capital d4bin
2lhun UP :bar_chart: Europe Slovenia Ljubljana (lj1) Fractal Labs AG gl27f
wvxfb UP :bar_chart: Europe Sweden Stockholm 1 (sh1) Digital Realty DFINITY Stiftung lgp6d
dkx5h UP :bar_chart: Americas United States of America (the) Orlando (or1) Datasite Giant Leaf, LLC redpf
7qvtt UP :bar_chart: Americas United States of America (the) Phoenix (ph1) CyrusOne MI Servers 5bnm2

*This comment references the latest comment in the Subnet Management - General Discussion thread only to generate an automated cross-link from the general thread (to improve topic navigation).

You may wish to follow D-QUORUM if you found this analysis helpful.

Known Neurons to follow if you're too busy to keep on top of things like this

If you found this analysis helpful and would like to follow the vote of the LORIMER known neuron in the future, consider configuring LORIMER as a followee for the Subnet Management topic.

Additional good neurons to follow:

  • D-QUORUM (a highly decentralized neuron that follows neurons that have been elected by the NNS)
  • Synapse (currently follows the LORIMER and CodeGov known neurons for Subnet Management, and is a generally well informed known neuron to follow on numerous other topics)
  • CodeGov (actively reviews and votes on Subnet Management proposals, and is well informed on numerous other technical topics)
  • WaterNeuron (the WaterNeuron DAO frequently discuss proposals like this in order to vote responsibly based on DAO consensus)

Note that this analysis involved data provided by the IC-API, which is not open source. I’m in the process of switching over to more verifiable sources of this sort of information for future proposal reviews. See here for related discussion.

Voted to adopt proposal #134546.

The proposal replaces two cordoned healthy Active status node 2vmqi from the TY2 Data Center in Tokyo 2, and cordoned healthy Active status node rg3ny from the AN1 Data Center in Belgium, with unassigned healthy Awaiting status node bz4m4 from Tokyo 1 and with unassigned healthy Awaiting status node 6fm36 from Brussels 2, without any change to the decentralization of the subnet.
The motivation makes sense and the provided Forum link included in the summary provides further info, also it can be checked here.

A new proposal with id 134570 has been submitted, please take a look.

Click here to open proposal details

Replace a node in subnet eq6en

The following nodes in subnet eq6en have been cordoned and need to be removed from the subnet:

Decentralization Nakamoto coefficient changes for subnet eq6en-6jqla-fbu5s-daskr-h6hx2-376n5-iqabl-qgrng-gfqmv-n3yjr-mqe:

    node_provider: 5.00 -> 5.00    (+0%)
      data_center: 5.00 -> 5.00    (+0%)
data_center_owner: 5.00 -> 5.00    (+0%)
             area: 5.00 -> 5.00    (+0%)
          country: 4.00 -> 4.00    (+0%)

Mean Nakamoto comparison: 4.83 → 4.83 (+0%)

Overall replacement impact: equal decentralization across all features


Nodes removed:

  • tliwu-apd5m-f5kxi-g37rt-cqcag-4kmua-v7dsq-xsmv4-pvmhr-la6hu-xae [health: healthy]

Nodes added:

  • bew7t-tep7b-5hpwc-pzfcb-wvyfo-mhcu6-vnrkl-a2f6e-2aq4e-c4ezy-7ae [health: healthy]
    node_provider                                                         data_center            data_center_owner       area                   country   
    -------------                                                         -----------            -----------------       ----                   -------   
    4r6qy-tljxg-slziw-zoteo-pboxh-vlctz-hkv2d-7zior-u3pxm-mmuxb-cae  1    br2               1    AtlasEdge          1    Arizona           1    BE       1
    64xe5-tx2s3-4gjmj-pnozr-fejw2-77y5y-rhcjk-glnmx-62brf-qin5q-pqe  1    bt1               1    Baltneta           1    Brussels Capital  1    CA       1
    6nbcy-kprg6-ax3db-kh3cz-7jllk-oceyh-jznhs-riguq-fvk6z-6tsds-rqe  1    ge1               1    CyrusOne           1    Florida           1    CH       1
    7at4h-nhtvt-a4s55-jigss-wr2ha-ysxkn-e6w7x-7ggnm-qd3d5-ry66r-cae  1    hk4               1    Cyxtera            1    Geneva            1    HK       1
    7ryes-jnj73-bsyu4-lo6h7-lbxk5-x4ien-lylws-5qwzl-hxd5f-xjh3w-mqe  1    kr1               1    Datasite           1    HongKong          1    IN       1
    7uioy-xitfw-yqcko-5gpya-3lpsw-dw7zt-dyyyf-wfqif-jvi76-fdbkg-cqe  1    lj1               1    Digital Realty     1    Ljubljana         1    JP       1
    bvcsg-3od6r-jnydw-eysln-aql7w-td5zn-ay5m6-sibd2-jzojt-anwag-mqe  1    nd1               1    Equinix            1    New Delhi         1    KR       1
    izmhk-lpjum-uo4oy-lviba-yctpc-arg4b-2ywim-vgoiu-gqaj2-gskmw-2qe  1    or1               1    HighDC             1    Ontario           1    LT       1
    r3yjn-kthmg-pfgmb-2fngg-5c7d7-t6kqg-wi37r-j7gy6-iee64-kjdja-jae  1    ph1               1    KT                 1    Seoul             1    SE       1
    rbn2y-6vfsb-gv35j-4cyvy-pzbdu-e5aum-jzjg6-5b4n5-vuguf-ycubq-zae  1    sg1               1    Marvelous Web3 DC  1    Singapore         1    SG       1
    sixix-2nyqd-t2k2v-vlsyz-dssko-ls4hl-hyij4-y7mdp-ja6cj-nsmpf-yae  1    sh1               1          1    Stockholm         1    SI       1
    wdjjk-blh44-lxm74-ojj43-rvgf4-j5rie-nm6xs-xvnuv-j3ptn-25t4v-6ae  1    to1          1 -> 0    Telin              1    Tokyo             1    US       2
    wwdbq-xuqhf-eydzu-oyl7p-ga565-zm7s7-yrive-ozgsy-zzgh3-qwb3j-cae  1    to2          0 -> 1    hkntt              1    Vilnius           1              
                                                                          ty1               1                                                             

Voted to adopt proposal 134546.

This proposal replaces 2 nodes, due to offboarding TY2 and AN1 data centres. Decentralisation parameters are unchanged and remain within the requirements of the target topology. Data centre details are consistent with the links provided in the proposal.

Proposal 134546


Replaces cordoned nodes 2vmqi and rg3ny with nodes bz4m4 and 6fm36 on subnet eq6en.
The reason for this proposal is to offboard TY2 and AN1 DCs consistent with forum posts made on the forum thread used for posts regarding the renovation/sell of Gen-1 node machines by NPs.
Both the NP and DC stated in the forum post match the ones from the node being removed in the proposal.

Voted to reject proposal 134570 as this is part of a large batch of non-critical proposals timed such that the voting period clashes with national holidays, thereby allowing insufficient time for an appropriately detailed review to take place.

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Rejected proposal 134570. There’s no time to review this and the 18 other proposals in the same batch properly over Xmas eve, Xmas and Boxing Day. This is a non-critical proposal.

More information and discussion on this thread.

Proposal 134570


Replaces cordoned node tliwu with node bew7t on subnet eq6en.
The reason for this proposal is to offboard TO1 DC consistent with forum posts made on the forum thread used for posts regarding the renovation/sell of Gen-1 node machines by NPs.
Both the NP and DC stated in the forum post and post match the ones from the node being removed in the proposal.

1 Like

Voted to adopt proposal #134570.

The proposal replaces cordoned healthy Active status node tliwu from the TO1 Data Center in Toronto 1, with unassigned healthy Awaiting status node bew7t from Toronto 2, without any change to the decentralization of the subnet.
The motivation makes sense and the provided Forum link included in the summary provides further info, also it can be checked here.