Subnet Management - 5kdm2 (Application)

There’s an open proposal for removing a node from this subnet (along with 2 other subnets - uzr34 (II) and tdb26 (NNS))

I intend to take a closer look later today after work. But for now here’s some contextual info for interested voters.

Map Description
  • Red marker represents a removed node (transparent center for overlap visibility)
  • Blue marker represents an unchanged node
  • Highlighted patches represent the country the above nodes sit within
  • Light grey markers with yellow borders are examples of unassigned nodes that would be viable candidates for joining the subnet according to formal decentralisation coefficients (so this proposal can be viewed in the context of alternative solutions that are not being used - plenty of nodes that the removed node could have been swapped with if this were a ‘Change Subnet Membership’ proposal)

Continent Country Data Center Owner Node Provider Node Status
--- Asia India Colombo 1 (cm1) OrionStellar Geodd Pvt Ltd zppi4-egu2x-ylkfm-fttld-d5v43-wq7zs-hnszi-6plxh-6ol3h-ibceq-xae DOWN
Europe Switzerland Geneva (ge1) HighDC Archery Blockchain SCSp tybza-gyple-63wq2-qsgwo-w6fqw-6trwu-awukb-skekh-67bqu-qsoeo-aae UP
Europe Switzerland Zurich 4 (zh4) Nine.Ch jtvnx-kem2o-icln6-b4oy6-n5ru5-dmksj-dfk5i-4ejvq-k3unp-47gjb-mae UP
Asia India Panvel 2 (pl2) Yotta Krishna Enterprises srgrm-5pwg2-225hn-fxwdd-zphpu-wwxgu-uxako-avmlx-epw7e-zwkhf-sqe UP
Asia Israel Tel Aviv 1 (tv1) Interhost GeoNodes LLC vwsvq-sp3z5-kjy66-srr2f-esws7-mzchn-oeqdb-n3qvz-wrzni-4pcsy-lae UP
Asia Japan Tokyo 3 (ty3) Equinix Starbase oswv7-a355p-a5jlp-ko7pj-arrs2-rghho-dti4z-xgptn-szn55-jjr46-uqe UP
Asia Korea (the Republic of) Seoul 2 (kr2) Gasan Web3game pzv3b-av4if-exyju-qfmed-zbeez-2xlcd-sj22c-zdhus-gnwmo-7cbse-aqe UP
Europe Romania Bucharest (bu1) M247 Iancu Aurel bjhao-hlctl-g24ce-7hfcg-mqxbw-yxhyq-q23mj-smxsk-4o2s4-u353p-zqe UP
Europe Slovenia Ljubljana (lj1) Fractal Labs AG wq5v7-ngito-7ztqs-zlf2v-ibk6f-e54em-t3hou-x24kz-v5j77-6vo72-kqe UP
Europe Sweden Stockholm 1 (sh1) Digital Realty DFINITY Operations SA zos66-lmcn7-satbv-gcdzj-q3cdf-4n6zc-2hlei-gc453-uoh7r-4sj3w-vqe UP
Americas United States of America (the) Dallas (dl1) Flexential 87m Neuron, LLC ugqji-f7rfx-mbubv-44r5n-zfi3k-7ag32-qhkal-xmmyu-5fbot-r6azo-aqe UP
Americas United States of America (the) Fremont (fm1) Hurricane Electric 1G bmlxd-vohad-ymfvi-hm7id-7g3vp-236w4-n3cqd-tkwgf-wlrww-lqbcr-gqe UP
Africa South Africa Gauteng 2 (jb2) Africa Data Centres Honeycomb Capital (Pty) Ltd ocvcv-56eg5-gxibh-dcgpo-unhwq-4bwmo-x7q3h-stwf2-ycfex-gdr2a-kae UP
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