Solution for preventing node provider rewards inflationary death spiral

These brass tacks don’t seem to be garnering the same interest as the last thread, and I asked you to start this fresh one so I’ll humbly kick things off with initial parameters in the hopes that node providers and team members correct me.

I think it sensible to cap NP fiat rewards with current parameter’s, except with an artificial ICP floor (e.g., $2.00, where % inflation sell pressure is est. 15%: Node Provider Inflation Spiral - #41 by Accumulating.icp). The remainder of owed fiat for an ICP below $2 is contributed to a Neuron/wallet at a virtual ICP price of $5. That wallet unlocks if/when ICP reaches $5.

As a simple example, if a node provider is owed $100,000 for the month, and ICP is at $1.50; they are paid 50,000ICP. This shorts them $25,000; and so they get 5,000 extra ICP minted in a locked wallet at the $5 virtual price that’s later unlocked if/when ICP reaches $5.

Just a kickoff suggestion here if I understand you’re solution proposal correctly. I also reserve that if this solution cannot be implemented quickly, it’s better to just lock near dissolved neurons below a certain floor as a ‘band-aid’ to get ‘over the hump’ as described here: Node Provider Inflation Spiral - #117 by evanmcfarland

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