SNS-1 and how to interact with the SNS canisters

thx !! clarifies my question! What I see is that at the moment there is only the dissolving / stop /dissolving option but I don’t see the option to increase the staking time. It was also curiosity. Thank you very much again for your answers!

Its closing in on 24hrs since ICP left our wallets and got sent to the addy. Wonder whats holding it up.

The neurons are distributed by now. There is an edge case where ICP was sent but not registered as participant in the sale. These people will get their refunds, but no hard ETA yet for that

Dang so if it says we comitted 1 ICP but we still haven’t received our SNS-1 token then that means we are apart of that edge case?

Does it say ‘committed’ or did you ‘only’ have ICP deducted from your account?

I’ll ask the experts to be certain.

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Oh actually no worries, I just checked again and it’s there now!


More than 33 hours and haven’t t received my sns1 yet
What’s the problem?

@Bashir have you check under Neurons…SNS-1
I kept on checking under Tokens thinking that it was there…but I found them under Neurons


Yes it’s under the neurons thanks for your help :pray:

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What is the Token Canister ID for sns-1? I would like to add it on Plug, if Plug supports ICRC-1

The ledger canister id is zfcdd-tqaaa-aaaaq-aaaga-ca

The canisters are discoberable with the sns-js library we built: ic-js/packages/sns at main · dfinity/ic-js · GitHub

You can interact with the canisters directly wht the wrapper we provide there and passing only the root canister id of the SNS-1 project: zxeu2-7aaaa-aaaaq-aaafa-cai

You can see this canister id in the url with the query parameter u when you are in the project page or the accounts of sns-1.

I hope that helps!


How can the SNS neuron be top up? Where can I see my neuron address to do it?

Good thing we got refunded 1 ICP when SNS1 is trading at 95x. :clown_face:

It should have appeared in the meantime. Is this correct?

Thanks for the feedback!
We chose to prioritise first adding all features (e.g.,all neuron functions) and then improve the rest, such as how one can see the tokens / neurons from the different DAOs.
Such feedback will be useful for this next step!

The functionality to increase the dissolve delay is not yet on the frontend.
We are working on adding all such neuron functionalities!


Did you check in the “neurons” tab then select “SNS-1”? It should have appeared there by now.
Edit: saw a few messages later that you seem to have found it. Glad you did!

You mean the ledger canister of the SNS-1 DAO, right?
This should be it: zfcdd-tqaaa-aaaaq-aaaga-cai
You can also read here how to find and interact with the SNS-1 canisters

Edit: just saw that there was an answer already. Maybe the Wiki link is still useful for others again, so I’ll leave it here :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much for the reply ! Looking at the current conditions, there is something important… what will be done with the accounts that used bots? Can you directly propose that the neurons be removed from the bot accounts? if it is proposed and people vote, there is still a chance to get those SNS back. Thank you very much !

plus: Then I see many accounts with many sns, 10 30 60 !? are they real? How can someone have so many staking? Trade was minimal (this volume was not reached) does the blockchain show those with the most sns? where is the data? Thank you!

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my rush. all very well. thank you.