Replacing nodes in subnet nl6hn

Replace a node in subnet nl6hn

The following nodes in subnet nl6hn have been cordoned and will be removed:

Decentralization Nakamoto coefficient changes for subnet nl6hn-ja4yw-wvmpy-3z2jx-ymc34-pisx3-3cp5z-3oj4a-qzzny-jbsv3-4qe:

    node_provider: 5.00 -> 5.00    (+0%)
      data_center: 5.00 -> 5.00    (+0%)
data_center_owner: 5.00 -> 5.00    (+0%)
             area: 5.00 -> 5.00    (+0%)
          country: 3.00 -> 4.00   (+33%)

Mean Nakamoto comparison: 4.60 → 4.80 (+4%)

Overall replacement impact: (gets better) the average log2 of Nakamoto Coefficients across all features increases from 2.1745 to 2.2575


Nodes removed:

  • 5hpo7-g35qx-gomzb-ev6u4-uuhmm-mx3vz-dtx6z-ey7jc-bgzgw-hhv2i-sae [health: healthy]

Nodes added:

  • 6bt7p-6zrhd-xi3rj-jsugy-c6qzy-nvip5-7thap-gk6po-ygo5h-mh4jk-tae [health: healthy]
    node_provider                                                              data_center            data_center_owner            area                     country        
    -------------                                                              -----------            -----------------            ----                     -------        
    64xe5-tx2s3-4gjmj-pnozr-fejw2-77y5y-rhcjk-glnmx-62brf-qin5q-pqe       1    an1               1    Cyxtera                 1    Flanders            1    AU       0 -> 1
    6nbcy-kprg6-ax3db-kh3cz-7jllk-oceyh-jznhs-riguq-fvk6z-6tsds-rqe       1    fr2               1    Datacenter United       1    Florida             1    BE            1
    7at4h-nhtvt-a4s55-jigss-wr2ha-ysxkn-e6w7x-7ggnm-qd3d5-ry66r-cae       1    ge2               1    Digital Realty          1    Geneva              1    CA            1
    7ryes-jnj73-bsyu4-lo6h7-lbxk5-x4ien-lylws-5qwzl-hxd5f-xjh3w-mqe       1    gn1               1    Equinix                 1    Greater Noida       1    CH            2
    bvcsg-3od6r-jnydw-eysln-aql7w-td5zn-ay5m6-sibd2-jzojt-anwag-mqe       1    hk4               1    Flexential         1 -> 0    Hesse               1    DE            1
    cgmhq-c4zja-yov4u-zeyao-64ua5-idlhb-ezcgr-cultv-3vqjs-dhwo7-rqe       1    jv1               1    Gasan                   1    HongKong            1    HK            1
    cp5ib-twnmx-h4dvd-isef2-tu44u-kb2ka-fise5-m4hta-hnxoq-k45mm-hqe       1    kr2               1    NEXTDC             0 -> 1    Ljubljana           1    IN            1
    eipr5-izbom-neyqh-s3ec2-52eww-cyfpg-qfomg-3dpwj-4pffh-34xcu-7qe  1 -> 0    lj1               1    Nine.Ch                 1    Melbourne      0 -> 1    KR            1
    ihbuj-erwnc-tkjux-tqtnv-zkoar-uniy2-sk2go-xfpkc-znbb4-seukm-wqe  0 -> 1    mn2          0 -> 1               1    Ontario             1    SE            1
    rbn2y-6vfsb-gv35j-4cyvy-pzbdu-e5aum-jzjg6-5b4n5-vuguf-ycubq-zae       1    pl1          1 -> 0    SafeHost                1    Oregon         1 -> 0    SG            1
    spp3m-vawt7-3gyh6-pjz5d-6zidf-up3qb-yte62-otexv-vfpqg-n6awf-lqe       1    sg1               1    Telin                   1    Seoul               1    SI            1
    ucjqj-jmbj3-rs4aq-ekzpw-ltjs3-zrcma-t6r3t-m5wxc-j5yrj-unwoj-mae       1    sh1               1    Tierpoint               1    Singapore           1    US       2 -> 1
    wdjjk-blh44-lxm74-ojj43-rvgf4-j5rie-nm6xs-xvnuv-j3ptn-25t4v-6ae       1    to1               1    Yotta                   1    Stockholm           1                   
    wdnqm-clqti-im5yf-iapio-avjom-kyppl-xuiza-oaz6z-smmts-52wyg-5ae       1    zh4               1    hkntt                   1    Zurich              1                   

Proposal id 134410

Voted to adopt proposal #134410.

The proposal replaces healthy Active status node 5hpo7 from Oregon, with healthy Awaiting status node 6bt7p from Australia, with slight improvement to decentralization of the subnet.
The motivation makes sense and the provided Forum link included in the summary provides further info.