Disagree, it CANNOT apply to all the neurons, I decided to locked my net worth a year back to this “brilliant” Idea, that now is looking to affect my personal finances directly.
I chose to lock for 8years or “indefinitely “ because my ROI was supposed to be get by voting rewards according to the formula proposed a YEAR AGO by Dfinity, if DFINITY plans to vote and propose to adopt something like this, in the end should affect just NEW NEURONS, for NEW users that must be aware of this new implementation, you cannot affect personal investments in that way to people that weren’t aware that they cannot sell their neurons in the future, and if they wanna sell they will receive “20%” less rewards, that’s not serious, Dfinity will get sued by changing and affecting peoples investments decisions in that way.
I’m a big supporter and investor, with long term vision not planning to sell, but imagine how bad this idea is that even a huge supporter is getting mad about this.
You cannot affect my personal investments and finances, when the decision to locked the tokens for 8 years was made when it has never been mentioned in the past, that the rewards of the locked neurons could be affected by NEW PROPOSALS that affect the way of generating rewards Due to the protocol, the documents only mention that the rewards may vary due to a formula that each year reduces inflation and accommodates fewer rewards for voting, while increasing for age bonus, BUT it was NEVER mentioned that there could be a reduction and that I MUST decide to choose between, can SELL the neuron and get less rewards, or not being able to sell it in the future (due to a “watermark”) in said neuron to get (NOT EVEN MORE REWARDS) but to get the same rewards as was already defined in the past.
Bad bad bad decision, if what you want is limit people being able to sell the neurons because of trying to control selling pressure that’s not the way, focus on how to start getting deflation that’s the right path, you should try to fix the issue from the root. Please let community know when the proposal going live to unfollow Dfinity neuron (at least just in this occasion) but be careful with next proposals I don’t want to be follow - unfollowed dfinity till I get bored of doing that frequently. (It’s the first time I’m considering this because it’s affecting me directly and I’m sure there are another whales out there not so happy )
Also to clarify, there are people with tons more tokens than me of course, and many people with less also, but this is affecting both sides of the coin, the ones with a lot like VC’s, some like me in the middle, and so many with small amounts, that locked with the confidence to get their ROI by using the rewards, and in any emergency they could sell the identity on IDGEEK at discount price, I really suggest this just applies to NEW NEURONS, NEW INTERNET IDENTITIES, NEW USERS.
Never put such a significant rule, where the interests of people today are affected, when said decisions were made in the past and such important information was never mentioned.