Reducing ICP inflation by burning 10% of every new minting/rewards, be it for node operators or for stake-holders

@dominicwilliams @Leadership

Not sure if this idea had been discussed before.
Would it be possible to implement a burning mechanism, a flat rate, let’s say a 10%, all overboard, of all new minting/ rewards, no matter who’s the beneficiary, the node operator or the stake-holder, goes to a black-hole address?!
It’s like the network is “buying back” its own “shares”. A fair and win-win for all.
It also makes the network more appealing to the new participants especially those that are conscious about the tokenomics.
I don’t think people would mind this little tax (applied just before distribution) that adds value to the network and to all actors in the IC ecosystem.

No idea how technically feasible this can be.

Very best wishes for all!