Reasons for the decline of ICP: unique technology and a desolate and thin ecology

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导语:自 2022 年以来,随着 Solana 等新公链的逐渐衰落和以太坊 Layer2 的日渐繁荣,「以太坊杀手」们的故事似乎已被世人遗忘,曾经的「百家争鸣」不复存在。但若回溯历史,从 EOS 开始的新公链叙事始终是 Web3 发展史中不可忽视的华丽篇章。

提到新公链,**Dfinity(ICP) 必然是绕不开的话题,**凭借近 2 亿美元的巨额融资、华丽的密码学家团队和特立独行的技术,ICP 曾一度被无数人追捧;但自 2021 年高开上线后,ICP 便一路狂跌,从人们心中炙手可热的「天王项目」沦落为遭人唾弃的「天亡项目」,让无数人唏嘘不已。同时,单薄冷清的生态也使得 ICP 在 Solana 等竞品面前无地自容。

回首历史,反思过去,**影响 ICP 生态发展的因素到底有哪些?独特的技术能否助力生态发展?「天亡项目」能否再次复苏?本文将从 ICP 的技术特性谈起,再到其NNS 治理系统的缺陷、**缺乏统一的代币标准,**简要分析其发展历程中的困境,**为读者清晰的展现这个「天王项目」没落的原因。

ICP 的技术特点:去中心化的 AWS

首先介绍一下ICP 的智能合约系统——Canister(国内称之为「容器」或「罐子」),它是 DAPP 的载体,允许 WebAssembly(WASM)的字节码在其中运行,可支持多种语言编写的程序。

**ICP 为每个 Canister 分配了专属的内存,如果将 ICP 看作一台超级计算机,那么 Canister 就是计算机中的进程,每个 Canister 进程都包含自己的运行内存,你可以将智能合约相关的数据封装在特定的容器中。**这是 ICP 独特的数据存储方式——Canister 允许你将程序的状态、数据库甚至前端数据(例如游戏资产)全部放在这个容器中,意图使 DAPP 得到进一步扩展。可以说,ICP 实际上就是搭载容器的平台,通过容器化技术在 ICP 节点上部署很多 Canister 容器。

同时,**Canister 支持 gas 费代付功能,**用户可以无需拥有原生资产,由项目方代付手续费,这实质是以太坊上许多低门槛钱包要实现的「Gas 费代付」机制。这也使很多人对 ICP 有 mass adoption 的预期——用户能够获得 Web2 级别的 UX,无需一开始就购买原生资产(尤其是不用在区块拥堵时支付高昂的 gas 费)。

但**ICP 有一个重大缺陷:不支持全局状态。**以太坊有「全局状态」这样的设定,对于全体智能合约而言,所有账户的状态都是公开可见的,有一个通过 State Trie 管理的「全局可见」的状态存储结构;但 ICP 却完全不同。具体而言,ICP 中的程序(智能合约)有自己专属的 Canister(容器),**不同智能合约的数据被封装在各自独立的容器中,外界看不到数据的细节,**只能通过 Canister 对外提供的接口访问内部数据。

换言之,ICP 没有以太坊那样「全局可见」的状态存储结构,不同 Canister 的程序之间的交互是异步的,不能同时完成对多个合约的调用。显然,**这对于 Defi 协议很不友好,**使得 ICP 生态长期与 Defi 无缘。有人对此认为,以太坊是单纯进行资产交易的「世界记账机」,而 ICP 实际是支持复杂 Web 应用的「去中心化 AWS」。

除了独特的 Canister 设定外,ICP 还采用了分层的架构,主要包括容器、子网、节点和数据中心。我们可以**将 ICP 看作由多个子网(Subnet)组成的系统,每个子网实质就是一条公链。**在每个子网中,搭载了多个 Canister(容器),这些容器是 ICP 中可互操作的基础单元,每个 Canister 包含了用户上传的代码和状态。

ICP 的最底层是托管专用硬件的独立数据中心,数据中心之上运行节点(Node),节点负责处理子网容器中的数据和状态转换。这种分层结构的设计为 ICP 提供了更高的可扩展性和灵活性,使其能够满足不同规模和需求的应用场景,也让它的观感更贴近于云服务。

有人认为,ICP 通过子网化的方式,从一开始就实现了分片。现在**ICP 有 40 个子网,**最大的子网包含 13 个 Validator 节点, 最小的只有 1 个 Validator。结合上面提到的 Canister 之间的交互(通讯)是异步的,ICP 的设计整体的好处是效率高,可以实现跨子网间的通讯,

目前所有子网加起来,每秒大概可以出 20 个区块。但由于每个子网的节点数量都不多,其理论上的安全性存疑。申请成为 ICP 的节点还需要 ICP 基金会的审批,节点的硬件配置极高(远超 Solana、Sui 等节点配置较重的公链),因此 ICP 的去中心化程度遭到很多人诟病。

对于这一点,某 ICP 生态的项目方坦言:毕竟 ICP 上运行的大多是「应用程序」,而不是与资产相关的金融交易,所以对安全性也没有那么严格的追求,ICP 实质上只是去中心化程度比 AWS 更高的云平台。

抛开上面的点不说,ICP 已经成功地将 BTC 集成到其系统中。通过专有的 Chain Key、门限 ECDSA 等密码学算法和一套特殊的检索机制,**ICP 和 BTC 可以直接集成,使得 ICP 的智能合约可以直接持有真实而非映射的 BTC 资产。**具体实现方式如下所示:

在网络层中,实现了一个随机连接 BTC 网络中 8 个节点的 BTC 适配器,将 BTC 区块拉入 ICP 网络中,并根据区块中所包含的交易数据更新所有的 UTXO 集,使得ICP 上的容器可以获知 BTC 链的最新状态,ICP 容器内的程序可以验证并检索 BTC 的区块及 UTXO。

同时,门限 ECDSA 算法是使得 ICP 智能合约能够接受和输出 BTC 交易的关键技术,它是对 ECDSA 签名算法的扩展。该协议通过类似 MPC(多方安全计算)的方式,将关联着智能合约的私钥碎片分发给专门负责签名的子网节点秘密共享,获得更高级别的安全性。简而言之,**ICP 智能合约可以把私钥管理权交给多个节点,**而非单个节点或智能合约自己掌握。当合约要向外输出 BTC 交易时,需要该子网中超过阈值数量的节点协作(2/3)才能创建一个完整的 ECDSA 签名,让交易放行。

**ICP 的资产集成方案相较于目前的跨链桥方案更进一步。**大多数跨链桥提供的只是 BTC 的映射,而不是原生的 BTC,并且高度依赖于第三方跨链桥自己的节点,这样会存在很多安全隐患。ICP 却可以将原生 BTC 放入 Canister 中,甚至可以直接保存 BTC 链上地址的私钥。

相比于传统的依赖于第三方跨链桥节点的跨链方式,ICP 的 BTC 账本可以方便地运行在分散的、节点数量较多的子网上,只要子网的安全性足够,ICP 的 BTC 账本就是安全的。

理性人陷阱:Token 价格和锁仓

然而,历史证明,再优越或独特的技术也无法弥补生态建设的乏力,自主网上线至今,ICP 生态的项目仍然处于「无人使用」的尴尬境地,进而陷入「生态匮乏→优秀项目外流→生态参与者进一步流失」的恶性循环。笔者此处想重点展开讨论的,并非具体生态发展和扶持上的问题,而是通过另外一个视角尝试解释,ICP 为何陷入了今日的困境。

有一种观点是,在 ICP 上市的几个小时内,它遭到了某些势力的价格操纵(ICP 创始人一直认为是 SBF 和 FTX 所为),ICP 市值随着 Token 价格不断推高,一度超过 2300 亿美元,仅次于 BTC 和 ETH 跃升至市值第三。然而随着拉盘行为结束,ICP 价格开始大幅回落,在短短的 6 周内,ICP 市值萎缩了 90%。

**Token 的暴跌极大损害了 ICP 生态及 Dfinity 基金会的声誉,**使得 ICP 遭到多方势力进一步攻击,这些空头加剧了 ICP 价格下跌的过程,使其远低于实际价值。(据说,一贯奉行长期主义的 a16z 目前已清仓 ICP)

笔者在此并不打算对上述说法的真伪进行评价,仅提供给读者一个可能的观点(另一种有趣的观点认为,ICP 创始人 Dominic 的一系列让投资人反感的行为,是导致 ICP 被砸盘、生态被孤立的重要原因)。实际上,影响 Token 价格更多的是其锁仓机制——本意是避免早期投资者「砸盘」套现走人,**但长达 8 年之久的锁仓周期带来的是「套牢」和针对质押生息资产的抛压 / 神经元解锁抛压,**可参考下图:

事实证明,Dfinity 基金会针对早期投资者的锁仓并未起到预料之内的作用:大量底部筹码的存在以及上市之初的价格虚高,使得从最高点至筹码密集区中间的空白过于巨大,除了早期投资者以外几乎不会有人愿意参与这部分价位区间的拉盘。但此刻,早期投资者依然有利可图,对于他们而言此阶段将产生的利息复投质押至 NNS 或者将利息卖出都是有利可图的;而当 Token 进一步下跌到某个价位时,早期投资者因机会成本的存在,实际上已经进入「套牢并亏损」的状态,此状态下早期投资者会更趋向于将利息卖出,并且在神经元到期解锁之后很有可能以亏本的状态卖出,从而进一步加剧下跌。

这种「越跌越卖,到一定价位卖的更厉害」的死亡螺旋严重阻碍了 ICP 的回弹以及生态发展,由于 Canister 本身的特性,使得 Defi 长期以来缺位于 ICP 生态(进而导致稳定币缺位),生态参与者大多数时间内只能持有 ICP Token 本身,坚定的 Holder 们会发现一个事实:自己在生态内的贡献所带来的回报还赶不上 Token 的贬值!

理性人假设的博弈到此更进一步,散户和项目方转而奔向他们认为更有前途的公链生态(也带走了流动性),进一步减少链上燃烧的 Cycles 数量(即 ICP 数量),而锁仓 8 年的早期投资者们有心无力,也进入了「躺平」状态。

虽然可能会导致 Token 价格大量下跌,但笔者认为,如果想要尽快解决死亡螺旋,必须进行一次彻底的出清——即一次性解锁释放所有长期质押的神经元,充分释放流动性,维持现状越拖越久只能是剜肉生疮。

NNS 的治理困境

VC 在投资项目时,一个重要的评判标准就是 Token 是否有治理权,而散户也喜欢将 Token 治理权限作为赋能的因素。**Dfinity 的 NNS 系统使得 Token 持有者能够充分参与到公链的治理当中,**但链上治理的实际运作情况如何呢?

在具体分析公链治理之前,首先要对治理系统有所了解,此处简单介绍 Dfinity 的治理系统——NNS 系统:**NNS 是一个链上治理系统,允许所有社区成员提交提案并进行投票。**社区成员的投票权与其持有的 ICP 数量成正比,质押的时间周期长短将影响其投票权重。参与投票的社区成员将会获得 ICP Token 作为奖励,这些奖励被称为「NNS 奖励」,将 ICP 质押在神经元里的 Holder 可以通过手动投票或跟随其他神经元的投票参与到治理中。

相比之下,许多区块链项目的治理投票「独裁」了许多,只有大鲸鱼 / 投资方 / 项目方本身才有资格发起治理提案,而散户往往只有参与的权力。

早在前两年,Dfinity 基金会调整了一次 NNS 治理的策略,这次改革调整了 NNS 治理的一些奖励参数,使得**积极参与投票的投票者更有利,**而那些不参与 NNS 治理的 ICP 质押者的收益将大幅降低。同时,基金会不再参与主动投票,这使得许多默认跟随官方神经元而没有设置投票的节点的收益进一步减少。


一是由于NNS 系统并未对提案的提议权加以限制,而是允许所有神经元提出提案并投票,导致**大量垃圾提案的出现,**而支持大量垃圾提案通过的神经元们又能够因为积极参与治理投票而获得更多的 Token 奖励(道理类似于 Filecoin 存储节点故意存很多垃圾数据)——某种意义上讲,这种行为是对链上治理的一种嘲讽。

二是治理系统的过度民主化所带来的缺陷——极低的效率和必然分裂的社区,一个典型的例子是社区至今仍然没有统一的代币标准!诚然开发者可以根据自身情况相对应选择代币标准,但东西方开发者社区的沟通不畅以及相互之间的不理解使得代币标准统一这件事依然遥遥无期,进而在生态系统的发展上又平添一颗绊脚石。在这种情况下,流动性会被严重割裂,就算做出来 DEX,资产的 SWAP 也会严重受阻,此前还曾有过向不同代币标准的钱包转账丢失 NFT 的事故。

如何在治理系统中间寻找一种平衡,以便在保持民主化的同时,也能够保证效率?这个问题从远古到现代,再从 Web2 到 Web3 都是一个争论不休的问题,而在两者的权衡之中,Dfinity 选择了前者,给予了生态参与者充分的议政权,但就目前的情况来看,这种选择对于尚未构建起足够经济利益的公链来说弊大于利——最终成为了基金会偶尔下场的半推半就,以及存量用户们的两看相厌。

这种困境的解决十分困难,而寄希望于短期内生态出现一个类似 Andre Cronje 这样富有号召力的领袖人物推动发展,其难度也无异于「天降伟人」。


所有缺乏用户和流动性注入的公链都不可避免陷入 rug 螺旋:


**Dfinity 上的情况尤其严重,**以 NFT 板块为例,生态早期的 NFT 交易所只有 Entrepot 一家,而 Entrepot 对 NFT 上市采取的是审核制,NFT 审核通过后在平台进行定点销售,这种制度使得初期的 NFT 生态有着较为良好的发展,NFT 的涨幅也十分可观,以 2022 年 2 月的数据为例,此时 Entrepot 还算表现良好:

然而,平台本身的限制使得大量 rug 项目涌入,刚有起色的 NFT 立马受到了打击,而随着 CCC、Yumi 等项目加入 NFT 交易所的战争,Entrepot 为了保留市场份额进一步放开了对 NFT 项目的审核,其上新的项目也从刚开始的开售即抢完变为了无人光顾。

而正常运营的项目方也会因公链的颓势而自行选择出路,如一开始坚守 Dfinity 生态的 Dmail 在尝试多次无效之后,最终转向了多链生态,并在这之后与 Sei、Worldcoin 等合作。

相比于其他公链的生态,**Dfinity 区别最大的一点在于其 Defi 板块是整个生态中发展最靠后的一环,**其原因主要有几点:

一是 Dfinity 并未引入 EVM,无法像 Avalanche 或 Fantom 一样,能够轻松 fork 各类经典项目;


三也是最主要的一点,即 Dfinity 本身的独特架构使得其区别于传统公链的全局交易原子性,Canister 之间是异步交互,缺乏全局可见的账本,因此其 Defi 项目开发十分困难。

从被销毁的 ICP 和 ICP 总交易量数据来看,ICP 生态已然陷入了一个十分尴尬的境地:


其实我们不难理解 2021 年时大众对 Dfinity 的热捧,毕竟 ICP 团队中包含的密码学家数量,是所有公链项目中最多的,团队阵容也无比豪华:英特尔、IBM、Coinbase、Facebook、谷歌 wasm…

同时,一票知名 VC 均是 ICP 的投资人,不乏 A16Z、Polychain、Multicoin 这样的顶级机构。ICP 本身的 slogan「去中心化 AWS」更是抓人眼球,诱使无数人投入真金白银,期待着超越以太坊和 EOS 的下一个里程碑式的范式到来。

Dfinity 的技术并没有利好其生态建设——尽管 Dfinity 的技术特性放到如今也十分独到,如反向 Gas、Canister 的可扩展性、架构本身可无限横向拓展等,但这些特性在公链之战中没有如期起到效果。

此外,**Dfinity 的治理系统也面临挑战,**其中大量垃圾提案和过度民主化等问题,已经在前面提到过。作为曾经「ETH killer」的有力候选者,它仍然具备许多公链所不具备的潜力和优势,而这些技术特性是其发展的重要筹码,但同时,ICP 基金会和其生态本身,也需要直面目前的挑战,并努力寻找新的出路。


Translated version:

Reasons for the decline of ICP: maverick technology and cold and thin ecology
original Titanio Geek Web3 2023-08-02 08:02 Posted on Zhejiang
Author: Titanio, Geek web3
Introduction: Since 2022, with the gradual decline of new public chains such as Solana and the increasing prosperity of Ethereum Layer 2, the stories of the “Ethereum Killers” seem to have been forgotten by the world, and the former " contending of schools of thought" no longer exists . But if we look back at history, the new public chain narrative starting from EOS is always a gorgeous chapter in the history of Web3 development that cannot be ignored.
When it comes to the new public chain, Dfinity (ICP) must be a topic that cannot be avoided. With the huge financing of nearly 200 million US dollars, a gorgeous team of cryptographers and maverick technology, ICP was once sought after by countless people; After the high opening in 2021, ICP plummeted all the way, from the popular “Heavenly King Project” to the despised “Heavenly Death Project”, which made countless people sigh. At the same time, the thin and deserted ecology also makes ICP feel ashamed in front of competing products such as Solana.

Looking back on history and reflecting on the past, what are the factors that affect the ecological development of ICP? Can unique technology help ecological development? Can the “Death Project” be revived again? This article will start from the technical characteristics of ICP, and then to the defects of its NNS governance system and the lack of a unified token standard, briefly analyze the difficulties in its development process, and clearly show the reasons for the decline of this “Tianwang Project” for readers.

Technical Features of ICP: Decentralized AWS

First, let me introduce ICP’s smart contract system - Canister (called “container” or “jar” in China), which is the carrier of DAPP, allowing the bytecode of WebAssembly (WASM) to run in it, and can support multi-language writing program of.

ICP allocates dedicated memory for each Canister . If you think of ICP as a supercomputer, then Canister is a process in the computer. Each Canister process contains its own running memory. You can encapsulate data related to smart contracts in a specific container. This is ICP’s unique data storage method - Canister allows you to put the state of the program, database and even front-end data (such as game assets) in this container, with the intention of further expanding DAPP. It can be said that ICP is actually a platform equipped with containers, and many Canister containers are deployed on ICP nodes through containerization technology.


At the same time, Canister supports the gas fee payment function. Users do not need to own native assets, and the project side pays the handling fee on behalf of them. This is essentially the “gas fee payment” mechanism that many low-threshold wallets on Ethereum need to implement. This also makes many people have mass adoption expectations for ICP - users can get Web2-level UX without buying native assets from the beginning (especially without paying high gas fees when blocks are congested).

But ICP has a major flaw : it does not support global state. Ethereum has a setting of “global state”. For all smart contracts, the state of all accounts is publicly visible, and there is a “globally visible” state storage structure managed by State Trie; but ICP is completely different. . Specifically, the program (smart contract) in the ICP has its own exclusive Canister (container). The data of different smart contracts are encapsulated in their own independent containers. The outside world cannot see the details of the data, and can only be provided by the Canister. Interface to access internal data.

In other words, ICP does not have a “globally visible” state storage structure like Ethereum, and the interaction between different Canister programs is asynchronous, and calls to multiple contracts cannot be completed at the same time. Obviously, this is very unfriendly to the Defi protocol, making the ICP ecology out of touch with Defi for a long time. Some people think that Ethereum is a “world accounting machine” that simply conducts asset transactions, while ICP is actually a “decentralized AWS” that supports complex web applications.


In addition to the unique Canister setting, ICP also adopts a layered architecture, mainly including containers, subnets, nodes, and data centers. We can regard ICP as a system composed of multiple subnets (Subnet), each subnet is essentially a public chain. In each subnet, multiple Canisters (containers) are carried. These containers are the basic unit of interoperability in ICP. Each Canister contains the code and status uploaded by the user.

The bottom layer of ICP is an independent data center that hosts dedicated hardware. Nodes (Nodes) run on top of the data center, and nodes are responsible for processing data and state transitions in subnet containers. This layered structure design provides ICP with higher scalability and flexibility, enabling it to meet application scenarios of different scales and needs, and also makes it look and feel closer to cloud services.


Some people believe that ICP achieves fragmentation from the beginning through subnetting. Now ICP has 40 subnets, the largest subnet contains 13 Validator nodes, and the smallest has only 1 Validator. Combined with the above-mentioned interaction (communication) between Canisters is asynchronous, the overall advantage of the ICP design is high efficiency and can achieve cross-subnet communication.

At present, all subnets add up to about 20 blocks per second. However, due to the small number of nodes in each subnet, its theoretical security is doubtful. Applying to become an ICP node still needs the approval of the ICP Foundation. The hardware configuration of the node is extremely high (far more than public chains with heavier node configurations such as Solana and Sui). Therefore, the degree of decentralization of ICP has been criticized by many people.

Regarding this point, the project team of a certain ICP ecology said frankly: After all, most of the “applications” running on the ICP are not financial transactions related to assets, so the pursuit of security is not so strict. ICP is essentially just a decentralization A cloud platform with a higher degree of automation than AWS.

The above points aside, ICP has successfully integrated BTC into its system. Through proprietary Chain Key, threshold ECDSA and other cryptographic algorithms and a set of special retrieval mechanisms, ICP and BTC can be directly integrated, so that ICP’s smart contracts can directly hold real rather than mapped BTC assets. The specific implementation is as follows:

In the network layer, a BTC adapter randomly connected to 8 nodes in the BTC network is implemented, the BTC block is pulled into the ICP network, and all UTXO sets are updated according to the transaction data contained in the block, so that the ICP The container can know the latest status of the BTC chain , and the program in the ICP container can verify and retrieve BTC blocks and UTXO.


At the same time, the threshold ECDSA algorithm is the key technology that enables ICP smart contracts to accept and output BTC transactions, and it is an extension of the ECDSA signature algorithm. In a way similar to MPC (multi-party secure computing), the protocol distributes the private key fragments associated with the smart contract to the subnet nodes responsible for signatures for secret sharing to obtain a higher level of security. In short, the ICP smart contract can hand over the private key management rights to multiple nodes, rather than a single node or smart contract itself. When the contract wants to export BTC transactions, it needs the cooperation (2/3) of nodes exceeding the threshold number in the subnet to create a complete ECDSA signature and allow the transaction to be released.

ICP’s asset integration solution is a step further than the current cross-chain bridge solution. Most cross-chain bridges only provide BTC mapping instead of native BTC, and are highly dependent on the nodes of third-party cross-chain bridges, which will have many security risks. ICP can put native BTC into Canister, and even directly save the private key of the address on the BTC chain.

Compared with the traditional cross-chain method that relies on third-party cross-chain bridge nodes, ICP’s BTC ledger can easily run on a decentralized subnet with a large number of nodes. As long as the security of the subnet is sufficient, ICP’s BTC ledger Just be safe.

Rational Man Trap: Token Price and Lockup

However, history has proved that no matter how superior or unique the technology is, it cannot make up for the lack of ecological construction. Since the launch of the independent network, the ICP ecological projects are still in the embarrassing situation of “no one uses them”, and then fall into “ecological scarcity → outflow of excellent projects → ecological The vicious circle of further loss of participants”. What the author wants to focus on here is not the specific ecological development and support issues, but to try to explain from another perspective why ICP is in today’s predicament.
There is a view that within a few hours of ICP’s listing, it was subjected to price manipulation by some forces (the founder of ICP has always believed that it was done by SBF and FTX), and the market value of ICP was continuously pushed up with the price of Token, which once exceeded 2300 Billion US dollars, second only to BTC and ETH, jumped to third place in market value. However, with the end of the pull-out behavior, the price of ICP began to fall sharply. In just 6 weeks, the market value of ICP shrank by 90%.
The sharp drop in Token has greatly damaged the reputation of the ICP ecology and the Dfinity Foundation, causing ICP to be further attacked by various forces.well below the actual value. (It is said that a16z, which has always pursued long-termism, has now cleared its ICP)
The author does not intend to evaluate the authenticity of the above statement here, but only provides readers with a possible point of view ( another interesting point of view is that a series of behaviors by ICP founder Dominic that disgust investors are the reasons why ICP was banned An important reason for the smashing of the market and the isolation of the ecology ). In fact, it is the lock-up mechanism that affects the price of Token more . For the selling pressure of pledged interest-earning assets/neuron unlocking selling pressure, please refer to the following figure:

Facts have proved that the Dfinity Foundation’s lock-up for early investors did not play the expected role: the existence of a large number of chips at the bottom and the inflated price at the beginning of the listing made the gap between the highest point and the chip-intensive area too huge , except for early investors, almost no one is willing to participate in the pull of this part of the price range. But at this moment, early investors are still profitable. For them, it is profitable to reinvest the interest generated at this stage to NNS or sell the interest; and when the Token further falls to a certain price, the early Due to the existence of opportunity cost, investors have actually entered the state of “locked in and losing money”. In this state, early investors will be more inclined to sell the interest, and it is very likely to lose money after the neuron expires and unlocks. Sell, thereby further exacerbating the decline.

This death spiral of “sell more and more, and sell more and more at a certain price” has seriously hindered the rebound of ICP and the development of the ecology . bit ) , ecological participants can only hold the ICP Token itself most of the time, and determined Holders will find a fact: the returns brought by their contributions in the ecology cannot keep up with the depreciation of the Token!

The game assumed by rational people goes a step further, and retail investors and project parties turn to the public chain ecology they think is more promising (which also takes away liquidity), further reducing the number of Cycles burned on the chain (that is, the number of ICPs), And the early investors who locked up their positions for 8 years were powerless and entered a state of “lying flat”.

Although it may lead to a large drop in Token prices, the author believes that if you want to solve the death spiral as soon as possible, you must conduct a thorough clearing—that is, unlock and release all long-term pledged neurons at one time, fully release liquidity, and maintain the status quo. The longer it is delayed, it will only lead to gouging out the flesh and causing sores.

The Governance Dilemma of NNS

When VCs invest in projects, an important criterion is whether Token has governance rights, and retail investors also like to use Token governance rights as an enabling factor. Dfinity’s N NS system enables Token holders to fully participate in the governance of the public chain, but what about the actual operation of on-chain governance?

Before analyzing public chain governance, we must first understand the governance system. Here is a brief introduction to Dfinity’s governance system—NNS system: NNS is an on-chain governance system that allows all community members to submit proposals and vote. The voting rights of community members are proportional to the amount of ICP they hold, and the length of the pledge period will affect their voting weight. Community members who participate in voting will receive ICP Token as a reward. These rewards are called “NNS rewards”. Holders who pledge ICP in neurons can participate in governance through manual voting or following the votes of other neurons.

In contrast, the governance voting of many blockchain projects is “dictatorial”. Only big whales/investors/project parties are eligible to initiate governance proposals, while retail investors often only have the right to participate.


As early as two years ago, the Dfinity Foundation adjusted the strategy of NNS governance. This reform adjusted some reward parameters of NNS governance, making voters who actively participate in voting more beneficial, and those ICP pledgers who do not participate in NNS governance Earnings will be greatly reduced. At the same time, the foundation no longer participates in active voting, which further reduces the benefits of many nodes that follow the official neurons by default and do not set up voting.

However, the governance system faces two problems:

One is that the NNS system does not restrict the right to propose proposals , but allows all neurons to propose and vote, resulting in the emergence of a large number of garbage proposals, and the neurons that support the passage of a large number of garbage proposals can actively participate in governance Vote to get more Token rewards ( similar to the fact that Filecoin storage nodes deliberately store a lot of junk data )-in a sense, this behavior is a mockery of on-chain governance.

The second is the defects brought about by the over-democratization of the governance system - extremely low efficiency and inevitably split communities. A typical example is that the community still does not have a unified token standard ! It is true that developers can choose token standards according to their own conditions, but the poor communication between the eastern and western developer communities and the lack of understanding between them make the unification of token standards still far away, and in the development of the ecosystem Added another stumbling block. In this case, the liquidity will be severely fragmented. Even if a DEX is produced, the SWAP of assets will be severely hindered. There have been accidents where NFTs were lost during transfers to wallets of different token standards.

How to find a balance in the governance system so as to ensure efficiency while maintaining democratization? This issue has been debated from ancient times to modern times, and from Web2 to Web3. Among the trade-offs between the two, Dfinity chose the former, giving ecological participants sufficient power to discuss, but as far as the current situation is concerned Look, this choice does more harm than good for the public chain that has not yet built enough economic benefits—it eventually becomes the occasional half-push and half-quit of the foundation, and the two hates of existing users.

It is very difficult to solve this predicament, and it is no different from the difficulty of “a great man descended from heaven” to hope that there will be a charismatic leader like Andre Cronje in the ecology in the short term to promote development.

Item Churn and Inventory Cycles

All public chains that lack users and liquidity injection will inevitably fall into the rug spiral:

The project ran away → retail investors’ confidence and finances were damaged, and they left the ecology → the liquidity further deteriorated, and the normal project party’s income became less and less or even unable to obtain income → the project ran away.

The situation on Dfinity is particularly serious. Taking the NFT sector as an example, Entrepot is the only NFT exchange in the early stage of the ecology, and Entrepot adopts a review system for NFT listings. The NFT ecology of Entrepot has relatively good development, and the growth rate of NFT is also very impressive. Taking the data in February 2022 as an example, Entrepot is still performing well at this time:


However, the limitations of the platform itself led to the influx of a large number of rug projects, and NFT, which had just started to improve, was hit immediately. With projects such as CCC and Yumi joining the war of NFT exchanges, Entrepot further liberalized NFT projects in order to retain market share. The review, and the new items on it have also changed from being sold out at the beginning to no one patronizing.

Project parties that are normally operating will also choose their own way out due to the decline of the public chain. For example, Dmail, which adhered to the Dfinity ecology at the beginning, finally turned to the multi-chain ecology after several failed attempts, and then cooperated with Sei, Worldcoin, etc.

Compared with the ecology of other public chains, the biggest difference between Dfinity is that its Defi sector is the last link in the entire ecology. There are several reasons for this:

One is that Dfinity has not introduced EVM, and cannot easily fork various classic projects like Avalanche or Fantom;

Second, the token standard in the ecology is still not unified , which has greatly weakened the liquidity in the ecology in a sense;

The third is the most important point, that is, the unique architecture of Dfinity itself makes it different from the global transaction atomicity of traditional public chains. Canisters interact asynchronously and lack globally visible ledgers, so the development of its Defi projects is very difficult.

Judging from the destroyed ICP and ICP total transaction volume data, the ICP ecology has fallen into a very embarrassing situation:



In fact, it is not difficult for us to understand the enthusiasm of the public for Dfinity in 2021. After all, the number of cryptographers included in the ICP team is the largest among all public chain projects, and the team lineup is also extremely luxurious: Intel, IBM, Coinbase, Facebook, Google wasm…

At the same time, a group of well-known VCs are all investors of ICP, and there are many top institutions such as A16Z, Polychain, and Multicoin. ICP’s own slogan “decentralized AWS” is even more eye-catching, luring countless people to invest real money, looking forward to the next milestone paradigm beyond Ethereum and EOS.

But Dfinity’s technology is not conducive to its ecological construction - although Dfinity’s technical features are very unique today, such as reverse Gas, Canister’s scalability, and the architecture itself can be expanded horizontally, etc., but these features are not in the public chain. The battle did not work as expected.

In addition, Dfinity’s governance system also faces challenges, including a large number of garbage proposals and excessive democratization, which have already been mentioned earlier. As a strong candidate for the “ETH killer”, it still has the potential and advantages that many public chains do not have, and these technical characteristics are an important bargaining chip for its development, but at the same time, the ICP Foundation and its ecology itself also need to face current challenges and try to find a new way out.

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Great opinion piece with so many great points.

So far, except for the IC community, almost everyone does not recognize ICP as a blockchain! Almost all blockchain DAPP products exclude ICP, wonder how the ICP leadership team can fix these

In my opinion, there are three main points to prove itself.Price, price, is still the price 。


The title is a bit of click-bait and certainly too presumptuous, but other than that, the body is actually quite a solid piece of work with many sobering observations. The writer demonstrates a very good grasp of ICP tech and obviously has been a veteran in the community for a long time.

This article has been shared a lot by various crypto media outlets in the Chinese community.

I wrote up a long response under a major KOL’s tweet:



Unless they already got their ICP bags ready. :slight_smile: