That isn’t a viable solution and far from the idea @Kurtis0108 proposed.
Devs can’t arbitrarily choose the desired replication factor.
Occuping an entire subnet has a not negligible cost.
It’s hard to find a fresh subnets with no other canisters on it, let alone n subnets for multi canister dApps.
Single canister subnets potentially waste the IC’s computational capacity, as @yvonneanne said: “he number of messages per canister can vary a lot between different canisters and over time”, so when the canister isn’t being used the entire subnet just sits there doing nothing, which makes it harder if not impossible for the IC to become deflationary, see: Question regarding RE EXC-1168: add non-subsidised storage cost on 20+ node subnets (behind the flag) - #17 by Zane
Frequent node rotation and load balancing are harder to implement due to the amount of state which needs to be synced when the subnet membership changes