Proposal: Update Interim Gen-1 Node Provider Remuneration After 48 months

Proposal 134925 – LaCosta | CodeGov


As part of the Steps for Gen-1 Node onboarding after 48 months, the Node Provider Bigger Capital is creating the Node Operator ulzfw to hold 28 nodes in the aw1 DC.
All the required steps were followed:

  1. A Forum post by the NP :white_check_mark:
  2. The self-declaration and Proof of Identity documents were uploaded on the IC Wiki :white_check_mark:
  3. The hashes of the Self declaration and Proof of Identity documents don’t match the hashes in the wiki :x:
  4. Matching information in Australian Business Registry :white_check_mark:

Currently the NP has a total of 28 Gen-1 nodes all in the aw1 DC controlled by NO codio-e5e6p-ol6sn-o3mgw-r7v5p-4jmch-a7exl-7pifz-cw4gn-ah47y-6ae which match the proposed number of nodes and the DC mentioned in the proposal.

Edit: Due to the hash not matching which might not be a part of the requirements for this type of proposal as can be seen here, it is a requirement of the Steps for Gen-1 Node onboarding after 48 months. Also @louisevelayo as also brought the attention to the fact that the NO in the payload already exists. For this reasons I’ve voted to reject.

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