Proposal to restrict rewards qualification to a threshold

This 0.5% can’t get anything passed. They have to have at least 3% understand it enough to vote yes. I agree that things were better before and I think we should revert to all proposals being valued the same. I think it is the only way to not have to create an overcomplicated system.

This proposal just creates a threshold that something that can’t get 3% shouldn’t figure into rewards at all. Take away the hiding aspect of the proposal and consider just the suggestion to not figure any proposal that can’t get at least 3% to count toward rewards. That is no different than the old system and just makes sure that you can ignore trash proposals and not vote on them as opposed to voting no.

I can amend the proposal as such. See below:

Motion to restrict rewards qualification to a threshhold


Decrease incentives to submit spam governance proposals
Protect the NNS from censorship, and preserve the current accessibility of submitting NNS governance proposals (i.e. does not increase the cost or difficulty of submitting an NNS proposal).
Allow NNS voters to ignore spam

Note : In this post, all references to “proposal” refer to all proposals, those could be restricted to governance proposals, but I don’t think that is necessary.


Update the NNS canister to skip rewarding proposals that have not received at least the Minimum threshold of Yes votes required to pass threshold of Yes votes(currently 3%).
Update the NNS canister to extend the end date to match the initial voting period when the proposal passes threshold of Yes votes required to pass Yes vote proposal.

Implementation for Proposed Solution

After line 6027( ) add the equivalent Rust code to the pseudocode below:

if( proposal.tally.yes/ < MIN_NUMBER_VOTES_FOR_PROPOSAL_RATIO){continue;}

After line 5274(ic/ at 35acac6c1113a23e2cb92329f1431c5254567e6e · dfinity/ic · GitHub) add the equivalent Rust code to the pseudo code below:

let oldYesRatio = proposal.tally.yes /;

After line 5284(ic/ at 35acac6c1113a23e2cb92329f1431c5254567e6e · dfinity/ic · GitHub) add the equivalent Rust code to the pseudo code below:

if (proposal.tally.yes / >= {MIN_YES_THRESHOLD} and oldYesRatio < {MIN_YES_THRESHOLD}){proposal.deadline_timestamp_seconds = deadline_timestamp_seconds + (now() - proposal.proposal_time_stamp_seonds);

This proposal is put forward to complement which is a longer-term solution. This implementation could be created much more quickly.

Accept: To vote Yes (Accept) means you agree that the above code changes should be made.

Reject: To vote No (Reject) means you do not agree that the changes should be made."}}; neuron_id_or_subaccount=opt variant {NeuronId=record {id=12008772471346176261:nat64}}})'
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