Proposal to elect new release rc--2024-05-01_23-01

Hello there!

We are happy to announce that voting is now open for a new IC release.
The NNS proposal is here: IC NNS Proposal 129627.

Here is a summary of the changes since the last release:

Release Notes for release-2024-05-01_23-01-base (bb76748d1d225c08d88037e99ca9a066f97de496)

Changelog since git revision 80e0363393ea26a36b77e8c75f7f183cb521f67f


  • 0f39cc6c0 Consensus: Introduce round start time based on monotonic instant
  • 558b7ce24 Consensus(orchestrator): Generate the API Boundary Node Firewall config file
  • 2bc9a80fe Consensus: Add checks for consensus pool bounds
  • 75ac2a132 Crypto: add tEd25519 to crypto component
  • e33dbb05b Crypto: Implement Elligator2/hash2curve for Ed25519
  • f225315be Crypto: Add threshold EdDSA signature protocol
  • 20b34efdd Execution: Implement call_with_best_effort_response system API
  • 9020de89a Execution,Message Routing: Add response slot and memory reservation stats to CallContextManager
  • cbf1827f1 Execution,Runtime: delete logs on canister uninstall
  • b5b51fc46 Execution,Runtime: delete logs on canister reinstall
  • 9d3b520cc Execution,Runtime: Keep main memory on upgrade option
  • 4b31f9b2f Execution,Runtime: persist logs across canister upgrades with traps
  • bcbffe03f Execution,Runtime: SIMD: Update WASM benchmarks report
  • cc7cd7c55 Execution,Runtime: SIMD: Add WASM SIMD benchmarks
  • d5a3dbdc2 Node: Organize and consolidate rootfs utils #1
  • df76f6adb Node: Organize and consolidate rootfs utils #2
  • a66036433 Node: Add setupOS deployment path verification warning
  • 240be8529 Runtime: SIMD: Update instruction_to_cost function


  • df69b53ff Execution: Return an error on unregister callback failure
  • d00dc2308 Message Routing: Validate that the task queue has at most one entry between rounds
  • e8fe3e33a Message Routing: Move consensus queue check at the end of round

Performance improvements:

  • ad379a0b3 Crypto: add IDKG Ed25519 benchmark


  • fdfcc6571 Boundary Nodes,Node: clean-up rootfs documentation
  • bee238c78 Consensus(ecdsa): Replace Option with just EcdsaKeyId in Quadruples
  • 904a6861f Consensus(artifact_pool): Remove CertificationMessageFilter and ConsensusMessageFilter
  • a59fe1569 Consensus: upgrade rocksdb
  • 8bb7cc769 Consensus(artifact_pool): Remove function contains
  • 4e728eaaa Consensus: remove unused integrity hash
  • e5a890dda Consensus,Interface(consensus): Remove some unused error variants
  • 5a92452f7 Consensus,NNS(refactor): removes certified time reading
  • b20227e9a Execution,Message Routing: Miscellaneous replicated state cleanups
  • 80f8ee907 Execution,Runtime: Test bounding of timeout when calling call_with_best_effort_response
  • a2dc87350 Execution,Runtime: update heap delta limit warning message
  • fcebeba8f Execution,Runtime: SIMD: Add WASM instructions coverage report
  • 9cf812a24 Execution,Runtime: SIMD: Regroup basic WASM benchmarks
  • 4ef6928b1 Execution,Runtime: SIMD: Rename instructions to ops
  • 5def103a2 Message Routing,Runtime: Add a debug assert that calculated number of shards is consistent with already existing ones.
  • 0c4fbcf1c Networking: revert reqwest usage in https outcalls adapter


  • 4cd73e6f1 Consensus: Merge imports in orchestrator
  • 9245f8dae Consensus,Message Routing: removed the unused contains method and rename get_validated_by_identifier just to get
  • 141ad63e8 Networking: remove more redundant code from the P2P stack


  • d33def669 Crypto: Add stability test for BIP340 protocol
  • e371d3a1b Crypto: add should_fail_deserializing_invalid_initial_idkg_dealings() test
  • e6cf7b88d Crypto: add a fuzzer for hash_to_curve
  • 7f5a4b07c Crypto: serialization roundtrip in fuzzers
  • eb64dbb6a Execution,Runtime: add testing canister logging of long running DTS message over checkpoint
  • 3b15d5652 Execution,Runtime: add testing canister logs over dts
  • 02a361f32 Execution,Runtime: Add tests for call_with_best_effort_responses
  • 19670383e Execution,Runtime: SIMD: Add unaligned SIMD benchmarks
  • 66a6f11f6 Execution,Runtime: cleanup canister logging tests
  • 86156402e Execution,Runtime: improve consensus_queue invariant test
  • 050023439 Execution,Runtime: Make query_scheduler_does_not_starve_canisters more robust

Other changes:

  • ae1cb52c2 Consensus(refactor): Merge imports in ic-replay
  • 7160747c2 Execution,Consensus: Add delivered query stats metrics
  • 85525dc5e Node: Updating container base images refs [2024-04-30-0624]
  • 8d3bdcab3 Node: Updating container base images refs [2024-04-27-0627]
  • c7ddb0220 Node: Updating container base images refs [2024-04-25-0829]

IC-OS Verification

To build and verify the IC-OS disk image, run:

# From
sudo apt-get install -y curl && curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSLO && chmod +x && ./ -c bb76748d1d225c08d88037e99ca9a066f97de496

The two SHA256 sums printed above from a) the downloaded CDN image and b) the locally built image, must be identical, and must match the SHA256 from the payload of the NNS proposal.


Hello there!

We are happy to announce that voting is now open for a new IC release.
The NNS proposal is here: IC NNS Proposal 129628.

Here is a summary of the changes since the last release:

Release Notes for release-2024-05-01_23-01-storage-layer (f58424c4ba894ab8a12c8e223655d5d378fb1010)

Changelog since git revision bb76748d1d225c08d88037e99ca9a066f97de496


  • f58424c4b Interface: Enable new storage layer

IC-OS Verification

To build and verify the IC-OS disk image, run:

# From
sudo apt-get install -y curl && curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSLO && chmod +x && ./ -c f58424c4ba894ab8a12c8e223655d5d378fb1010

The two SHA256 sums printed above from a) the downloaded CDN image and b) the locally built image, must be identical, and must match the SHA256 from the payload of the NNS proposal.


Reviewers for the CodeGov project have completed our review of these replica updates.

Proposal ID: 129627
Full report on OpenChat

Proposal ID: 129628
Full report on OpenChat

At the time of this comment on the forum there are still 2 days left in the voting period, which means there is still plenty of time for others to review the proposal and vote independently.

We had several very good reviews of the Release Notes on these proposals by @Zane, @cyberowl, @ZackDS, @massimoalbarello, @ilbert, and @hpeebles. The IC-OS Verification was also performed by @jwiegley and @tiago89. I recommend folks talk a look and see the excellent work that was performed on these reviews by the entire CodeGov team. Feel free to comment here or in the thread of each respective proposal in our community on OpenChat if you have any questions or suggestions about these reviews.