Open Call for Proposals to Resolve Non-Actionable Proposals

@wpb @Kyle_Langham

Thanks for accelerating and pushing forward the discussion on reforming NNS proposals (to combat spam/improve the quality of NNS proposals).

Regarding the last two items of the proposed timeline:

It might make if these are flipped. Ideally, the community shouldn’t be voting on proposals that DFINITY themselves have declared infeasible, or have raised major red flags about. I would give at the very minimum a 2-week period for the foundation to comment back-and-forth with the proposal discussion leads, and the community in each of the proposed solutions. As you said, we don’t want to rush into a vote without understanding all of the tradeoffs, and potential unintended consequences.

Also, if we have 3-5 proposals all being discussed, this 2-week period might be a bit too quick to get the entire community involved and fully digest all of the proposals, especially for a such an important change to the NNS that will hopefully last years. Why the rush, and why not extend the deliberation/feedback period to 1-2 months?


The foundation has been surprisingly quiet on the forums regarding these proposals and discussions. Between both proposals mentioned in the original post by Kyle (with links) and over 100 responses, only 2 of these responses have been from foundation members thus far.

I don’t know if this is by design (to obstain from influencing the discussion and get the community involved first), but I for one would like to hear more feedback from the foundation regarding the current discussions/proposals, as well as what some of the ideas inside the foundation are for improving the NNS proposals system, as well as how the Q2 spam control roadmap item will play out.

Not sure if this is too much to ask, but it would be very helpful if someone from the foundation could look into designating a few DFINITY/NNS team members to put aside a small, but certain portion of their time during this period of potential changes to the NNS proposal system, in order to ensure that both the perspective of the foundation and the NNS team is heard with respect to each of the proposals that are introduced.

This input from the foundation is extremely important to me, and I don’t want to be voting on or putting forth a proposal to change the NNS without having that proposal be vetted by as many eyes as possible.