Motoko Regex Engine

Hello ICP Enthusiasts,

I am applying for a $5k Developer Grant.

Please review my application and discuss! See DFINITY’s directions for becoming a registered reviewer here. They will be collected by DFINITY. When two weeks passes, DFINITY will release them and they will appear as a new section on this post.

Please review my application and discuss! If you would like to submit an official review, then please use the links below to register, see the rubric, and submit a review.

I’m looking forward to everyone’s input!

Reviewer Registration | Rubric for Evaluating | Submit a Review



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a baby is crying while being held by a woman in a crowd .

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You just made @skilesare a very happy ICDev.

Excellent grant application and milestones and walkthrough video of progress thus far. Excited for the matchers library!