Make WaterNeuron a Known Neuron

Following 9 proposals, the WaterNeuron protocol created its neurons: WaterNeuron Dashboard. All the NNS proposals are mirrored on the WaterNeuron DAO, this is already live: NNS Dapp. Members of WaterNeuron vote on these proposals and then the neurons vote the same as the outcome of the mirrored proposals. More here.

Neuron Control: This neuron is controlled by a canister, controlled by WaterNeuron DAO.
Covered topics: All.
Depth of reviews: This is up to DAO members, but we already have CodeGov going to vote on the mirrored proposals, and a few DFINITY members.
Following setting: None.
Voting principles: Voting | WaterNeuron


It’s nice to see that WaterNeuron has initiated the 8 year neuron and proposed making it a known neuron. Well done WTN team.

Following up on this point regarding Depth of Reviews, it should be noted that the WaterNeuron known neuron has a significant voting power in the NNS (which will likely grow over time) that will only vote with an intentional and educated voice if the majority of WTN voting power is cast with an intentional and educated voice. It votes on all NNS proposals, but there is no default following of any known neuron. Votes will be cast according to a majority decision of WTN polls on NNS proposals. There is high risk that these polls could be decided by automatic yes or no voting or people who simply pencil whip their votes without researching the details of the proposal. If you value the contributions that WaterNeuron can make toward NNS governance, then please consider setting your WTN neuron to follow neurons that are intentional with their votes. As these neurons are identified in the WTN community, they will be added to a list that is maintained in this post in the WaterNeuron community on OpenChat. If you have a neuron that you want added to the list, then please let me know.

One neuron already mention in the OP that plans to be intentional about voting on WTN proposals for NNS topics is CodeGov. The CodeGov WTN neuron ID is 203312480b4aeef877f393f376533f4fdcaa477412ca1ae83abd8e897c0e726f. Everyone is welcome to set this neuron ID as a Followee for WTN neurons if you believe we will vote in a way that is consistent with your voting principles. We are an organization that has many skilled developers in the ICP ecosystem who routinely review and vote independently on NNS technical proposals.

At this time, our funding allows us to focus on IC-OS Version Election and System Canister Management proposal topics, which are the starting point for all changes to the IC replica and the canisters related to the IC protocol. However, we intend to expand the proposal topics we cover over time as budget allows. The CodeGov neuron is also managed to intentionally seek other neurons in the ICP ecosystem who are providing a similar service for topics that we do not cover directly so we can set them as Followees for those proposal topics. In the event that we observe that any neuron is not voting routinely and intentionally with an educated voice, we will vote manually to ensure no proposals are missed and we will change our following to other neurons that are consistent with these voting principles. The CodeGov neuron does not cast an automatic yes or no vote and we will not pencil whip our votes manually. Our goal is to seek educated voters on all NNS topics and to follow neurons other than DFINITY so we can offer Followee options to the ICP community that helps advance decentralization of the NNS. In the event that there are no other options other than DFINITY for specific proposal topics, then the CodeGov neuron does follow DFINITY.

The CodeGov NNS neuron (2649066124191664356) is intentional about voting on all NNS proposals with an educated voice. Our neuron configuration can be found on our website if you are interested in learning how we achieve maximum voting participation through our Followees.

We have created a canister that will relay all of our CodeGov NNS known neuron votes to the CodeGov WTN neuron ID mentioned above. It should be fully functional in the next couple of days. The WTN team graciously provided an endpoint that will make this possible before they launched the NNS proposals feature and we have just been waiting for these “Vote for NNS Proposal” topics to start showing up to finalize our relay canister. Once it is complete, we will open source the canister so others can take similar actions.

#[query] fn get_wtn_proposal_id(nns_proposal_id: u64) -> Option<u64> { read_state(|s| { s.proposals .get(&ProposalId { id: nns_proposal_id, }) .map(|p| }) }

If you need instructions on how to follow CodeGov on WTN proposals, then please note that it can be done in the NNS dApp if you go to the Neuron Staking tab, select WaterNeuron from the list of nervous systems, pick your WTN neuron that you want to configure, scroll down to the section labeled Following, click the Follow Neurons button. On this screen you can configure any WTN neuron you want to be your Followee for any proposal topic. The topic that votes on NNS proposals is at the bottom of the list and it is called “Vote on NNS Proposals”. Click the pulldown menu on the right and your screen will look similar to the screen capture below. Click Add Followee and enter the CodeGov WTN neuron ID . If you set the CodeGov WTN neuron ID (203312480b4aeef877f393f376533f4fdcaa477412ca1ae83abd8e897c0e726f) as a Followee for this topic, then your WTN neuron will follow the CodeGov WTN neuron on all proposals for this topic. Please note that this same procedure works for setting any WTN neuron as a Followee, so if you prefer to follow another WTN neuron then please do so. Personally, I hope everyone will choose WTN Followee neurons that are intentional about voting with an educated voice and that many such options will exist.


I am applying to become a known neuron, bringing my experience as a former DFINITY engineer with deep expertise in decentralized systems. My contributions extend to projects such as Waterneuron and ckBTC, focusing particularly on aspects of Protocol Canister Management.

Neuron Control: Managed by me.

Covered Topics: My primary focus will be on Protocol Canister Management, where I will leverage my background to ensure optimal functionality and security.

Depth of Reviews: I will provide comprehensive, in-depth reviews on the DFINITY Forum, offering insights and critiques to foster robust system enhancements.

Following Settings: I am set to follow WaterNeuron on all topics, with a particular emphasis outside of Protocol Canister Management to broaden my scope of influence and understanding.

Voting Principles: My voting will be guided by principles of security and pragmatic judgment, ensuring decisions are both safe and sensible for the network’s long-term health.

I look forward to contributing to the community by promoting transparency, efficiency, and innovation in the decentralized ecosystem.


I like your neuron name “1e0”. That’s clever. Do you think the NNS dApp will have trouble rendering it as text as intended instead of as a number? The dashboard displays it correctly in the payload, but the NNS dApp is showing it as number 1. Do you think that will be confusing if the NNS dApp renders it as number 1 when people go to select Followees? I guess if you decide you don’t like it, then you can always change it with another known neuron proposal.

Anyway, I’m very glad to see you making yourself a known neuron. You certainly bring strong contributions to the Protocol Canister Management proposal topic. It’s nice to see devs for major projects (e.g. WaterNeuron) get involved in technical proposal reviews as well as becoming known neurons.