Local Internet-identity front-end build is failing

Cloned it you can change the visibility again

Which version of dfx are you using?

Above dfx solution works for >= 0.12.0

For dfx < 0.12.0 the solution is the following

    "internet_identity": {
      "type": "custom",
      "candid": "internet_identity.did",
      "wasm": "internet_identity.wasm",
      "build": "bash -c 'test -f internet_identity.wasm || curl -sSL https://github.com/dfinity/internet-identity/releases/latest/download/internet_identity_dev.wasm -o internet_identity.wasm; test -f internet_identity.did || curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dfinity/internet-identity/main/src/internet_identity/internet_identity.did -o internet_identity.did'",
      "remote": {
        "candid": "internet_identity.did",
          "id": {
            "ic": "rdmx6-jaaaa-aaaaa-aaadq-cai"

I’m currently using 0.12.1

It doesn’t work I think because you have an hardcoded local canister ID for II in your webpack.config.js

new webpack.EnvironmentPlugin({
      NODE_ENV: 'development',
      DTC_CANISTER_ID: canisters["dtc"],
      II_URL : isDevelopment ?
      "http://localhost:8000?canisterId=rwlgt-iiaaa-aaaaa-aaaaa-cai#authorize" :

Update http://localhost:8000?canisterId=rwlgt-iiaaa-aaaaa-aaaaa-cai#authorize with the effective canister ID or process.env.INTERNET_IDENTITY_CANISTER_ID should do the trick.

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You were right! i got everything up and running with no error messages in neither the CLI console nor the browser console. Thanks for the help :pray:t5: :pray:t5: :pray:t5:

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Super cool, my pleasure! Have fun hacking :+1:

Just FYI: this is the frontend of a cycles wallet. If you go to $(dfx identity get-wallet --network ic).ic0.app you should see the same interface

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Thank you @Severin for providing more context