Is ckERC20 is done? Can I use it for my custom token?

Thanks everyone for your interest in enabling additional ckERC20 tokens.

To recap;

  • The ckERC20 orchestrator has been built to enable new tokens in a scalable manner which doesn’t require coding, only canister configuration updates.
  • New ckERC20 tokens are enabled by an NNS DAO proposal. Anyone in the community with a neuron may submit proposals. DFINITY will publish a clearer help guide soon.

However as the orchestrator smart contract is newly deployed, DFINITY would suggest that the community activates new ckERC20 tokens at a reasonable pace, at least initially, to mitigate new smart contract risk. Suggestion would be around ~10 additional ckERC20 tokens beyond ckUSDC over the next 2 months.

DFINITY will both propose additional ckERC20 tokens and vote on community initiated ckERC20 proposals. The foundation’s goal is to encourage a diversity of twinned tokens, so will vote agnostically on community initiated ckERC20 proposals. Though the foundation will sanity check proposals for technical accuracy (e.g. proposal is correctly formed, payload and text is consistent, ICRC-1/2 configuration is consistent with the ERC-20 token being twinned etc).

Hope this helps & let the “chain fusion summer” begin…