Introducing NFID Vaults: World's first omni-chain multi-sig

Hello everyone!

Some of you may be aware of our first product - NFID Wallet - the Internet Identity fork that supports email/Google sign in.

Today, I want to share the next stage of our mission: NFID Vaults (

What is NFID Vaults?

NFID Vaults is an omni-chain smart wallet protocol for protecting personal and shared digital assets from any form of loss.

Why build NFID Vaults?

We believe self-sovereignty is the future of the world, but we’ve seen numbers that say a staggering 20% of BTC has been lost due to lost and compromised wallets and recovery phrases.

Our aim is 0% loss. The only way to do that is by enabling multi-factor control over assets, which is only possible either through a centralized service like Fireblocks or through a powerful smart contract wallet.

NFID Vaults is the protocol for the latter.

Every vault created is a smart contract canister on ICP. The canister controls itself (so that it may be upgraded by consensus approval in the future) and can be verified by searching the canister ID in any block explorer like

Who is NFID Vaults for?

The Pro version is for teams and grant recipients who need granular control over how their ICP is spent.

Next month’s Light version release will be for any individual or team who wants the highest degree of security for their ICP without the additional complexity of granular policy controls.

For the community of #ICPioneers here who believe in ICP being a substantial part of the internet’s future, we want NFID Vaults to be an example of what’s uniquely possible on this network.

2024 roadmap for NFID Vaults

  • Additional wallet support through Identity Kit (i.e. Internet Identity)
  • Additional ICP network asset support (ICRC-1, ICRC-7)
  • BTC and other network support
  • Dev SDK for creating and managing vaults through your own clients

Congratulations Dan. You are showcasing a true superpower of the Internet Computer, and addressing a real need.


The :eye: CycleOps team is pleased to announce an integration with NFID Vaults! :mega:

Our team currently uses NFID vaults to manage the CycleOps team treasury and revenue, and we’re huge fans of the web3 ownership model where users actually own their canisters and data :muscle:

However, this means that you’re also responsible for keeping those canisters topped up with cycles :cold_face:

Luckily, setting up automated cycles topups with CycleOps requires ZERO development, and takes 5 minutes or less :tada:

Here’s how you can get started today!