Introducing: Moonshift

What is it?

Moonshift is a gamified quest board purpose-built on a simple premise: The future of web3 marketing is built on community :handshake:

Moonshift is built by and for ICP projects to grow their marketing reach, creativity, and messaging by utilizing the best asset they have - their community :rocket: . Projects create and post marketing micro-tasks :memo: with token bounties attached - “Shifts” as we like to call them - that their community can complete and claim :tada:

Because Moonshift is built on ICP (and written in Motoko), we support ICP token standards out of the box :muscle: . Moonshift supports ICRC-2 tokens, powered by ICP’s Chain Fusion technology :fire:. Create and issue bounties in ckBTC, ckETH, ckUSDC, ICP and any SNS token, like CHAT.

Using ICRC-2’s approval functionality allows us to provide a streamlined UX for project shift managers when they’re approving shifts. Less popups allow marketing team managers to focus more on community generated content, and be more productive with their in-app time :sunglasses:

Today’s launch (is just the beginning)

Today’s release is our 1.0 MVP. It’s the basics of the application, but there’s a lot more we want to build in the future. Currently, we only support login with Plug Wallet, and today our application only supports on Chrome, Firefox, and Brave browser on desktop. More wallets, features and bug fixes coming soon.

Moonshift is made by @icpjesse @icme & @Jorgenbuilder on ICP using Motoko and open source ICP technologies, like @peterparker’s Juno & @zenvoich’s Mops. Juno satellites provide an incredibly simple API for static asset storage that we use to store image assets directly in stable storage, and using Mops’ package management tooling has allowed our team to move so much quicker - definitely recommend trying these tools out if you aren’t already using them :eyes:

Moonshift also uses price feed APIs from the Neutrinite DAO’s DeFi aggregator canister, built by @infu, and CycleOps for automated canister monitoring and analytics.

A huge thanks to the DFINITY developer grants program for funding this project :tada: As a part of this grant, the team open sourced a new icrc2-batch operations library that we use when shift managers pay out shifts to creators.



Just chiming in to say we’re very excited to share what we’ve been building with you. Please check it out, questions, feature requests and bug reports welcome. We’ve got an awesome initial batch of projects we’re collaborating with but looking for more. - ICP Jesse


This project looks great, I love it :heart_eyes:

I have a few questions:

  • Many SNSs have bug bounty programs. Are these sorts of things something that can be represented on Moonshift (long standing shifts, with no expiry date, and no explicit limit on the number of rewardable candidates over time)?
  • DFINITY also has a bug bounty program. Have you approached them to see if they’d be up for using Moonshift for this, as a way of increasing engagement?
  • Is the proof-of-work for a shift always public, or can it be submitted privately (visible only to the shift ‘manager’)? This would be necessary for security critical bug report shifts.
  • Is it acceptable to create shifts that are only intended for eligible individuals (a specific person or set of people)? I wonder if the voting neuron grant program could even be represented as Moonshift shifts…
  • I’m sure there are lots of other existing potential use cases… :slight_smile:

There are lots of great ideas here, and we’ll look at them for sure. FYI, you could def use this to pay out bugs as you describe - all shifts are editable after they are published and everything an be updated except token selection - I’d suggest please try out using it to close bugs and let’s see how it goes? The other features you suggest could def work if we pursue bug bounties as a focus. Thanks for the great ideas, I’m logging them internally for more discussion and investigation.

  • Jesse

the link is going to…moonshift/app…in chrome and Edge

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Thanks @darien - fixed!

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