🦑 Introducing icp.zone - fancy IC stats

Happy to introduce https://icp.zone

Most of the data was obtained from https://dashboard.internetcomputer.org/

ICP inflation

Comparision how many ICP was minted vs burned last month.

Total canisters

~9.5k unique canisters(by wasm hash) out of ~340k total canisters.

~42k - unique developers(by controller principal)


Canisters by language

Interestingly, there are more unique Motoko canisters than Rust canisters :slight_smile:

Tech detail: I check custom metadata section motoko:compiler for each canister.



Funky style :+1:

Is it open source?


You will probably get a more accurate number if you count cycle wallets deployed.


Not open source (min 20 chars)

I didn’t count canister principals(filter by principal length). I think cycle wallets are excluded

I would have starred the repo, so here one :star:

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What would be really cool is to see the Motoko, Rust, and eventually Azle and Kybra canister stats over time. This would be immensely insightful for us at Demergent Labs to track Azle and Kybra growth


Something is happening :eyes: Never seen these numbers before


Do you plan to have historical data? I’m mostly interested in canister numbers over time, especially for TypeScript/JavaScript and Python canisters.

Also for TypeScript, technically Azle canisters can also be JavaScript…I wonder if it’s better to display CDK names and show the languages beside that

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Nice work. Might you consider adding a line graph for burned/minted with months on the X-axis?

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Wouldn’t each OpenChat user be counted as a developer here?


Probably “JS/TS (Azle)” where “Azle” is link to azle

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I checked some user ids, they have nq4qv-wqaaa-aaaaf-bhdgq-cai canister controller only. So, it will not be counted as a developer.

The first Python canister has been spotted :snake: :eyes:

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Really great dashboard @ZenVoich :clap:

It would be neat to see a breakdown of developer principals by language/canister type deployed.

Also, I’d be curious to learn how you’re fetching the language metadata from the canister wasm. We’d like to be able to automatically surface some of these tags to users that have added their canisters to CycleOps.


I check offchain canister metadata:

  1. dfx.tech_stack ([RFC] tech_stack - Canister Metadata Standard extension)
  2. otherwise check cdk:name, motoko:compiler metadata fields
  3. otherwise mark as rust

Not sure if it possible to get the metadata onchain

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