Ic.rocks - The IC Explorer

New features:

  • Proposal history (very incomplete, only 1600 records, many early ones missing)
  • Known neurons (majority are genesis accounts and special neurons 1-4037)
  • Some neurons can be linked to accounts
  • Breakdowns of initial ICP allocations and genesis accounts


  • search canisters by a method-name
  • download csv data of each canister & of each subnet
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Feature suggestion:

  • a graph to show the ICP to be unlocked from neurons over time

Is it possible to add the ICP used to mint cycles in the ā€œminted cycles over timeā€ chart?

This is a great project.

Does anyone else experience sustained downtime on ic.rocks or is it just me?

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It is down right now. If you run it locally there is an api.ic.rocks endpoint that gets called. @wang Is the api portion also open source?? http://api.ic.rocks/

I cannot find a repository for it.

ic.rocks is down again :upside_down_face:

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This has been down for a while, is there any way to access it locally? Or is there a comparable alternative?

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How come that ic.rocks is so often down?
I can see that it was funded by some grant, so shouldnā€™t it be maintained?

Iā€™ve contemplated doing one for ICDevs to port it to inside the IC, but it is a huge chunk of work and there are a number of tools that need to be developed first. A few people reached out to me to see if ICDevs could take it over, but Norton controls it and as far as I know, heā€™s not interested in handing it over to anyone. Weā€™d need a pretty big endowment to take it over. It think it probably needs at least a part-time dev to maintain it and slowly add features.


I agree. Stability and speed of ic.rocks is just terrible. It takes ages to open and a lot of times (like today), it doesnā€™t open at all. Sigh

My last message was on March 6th, and not even single day from then the ic.rocks was up. So I would say it is completely inactive. And how is that covered by the grant, I still donā€™t understandā€¦

Im pretty sure in order to get grant money you need to show updates/activity, the @wang guy has been inactive for months as far as i knew

Maybe this?
