I just hit the instruction limit with dfx 0.20.1 and azle 0.20.1 (whoa, cool version coincidence).
This is a great example of the major blocker the instruction limit can be, as I am trying to use the motoko
npm package, calling into its API. To overcome the limit as an end-user developer might be practically impossible, as it would require improvements to ICP, Azle, or the motoko
npm package.
Here’s the code:
import { Server } from "azle";
import express from "express";
export default Server(() => {
const mo = require("motoko");
const app = express();
app.post("/compile", (req, res) => {
actor {
public query func helloWorld(): async Text {
"Hello World!"
const result = mo.wasm("/main.mo", "ic");
return app.listen();
Calling the /compile
endpoint gives in part: Replica Error: reject code CanisterError, reject message Error from Canister bkyz2-fmaaa-aaaaa-qaaaq-cai: Canister exceeded the instruction limit for single message execution
When executing this during post_upgrade the instruction limit was not reached.