I have implmented the file storing logic in backend for uploading files on canister, i am able to upload the files but not getting the correct link for the uploaded file

i want to make my own implementation to understand every thing better



can you point what should i improve in my code though?

Unfortunately, I don’t have time to review your code. Feel free to check the example projects, the documentation and the implementation of the libraries for inspiration.

could you brief this process?

Specifying Dependencies - The Cargo Book.

i want to make my own implementation to understand every thing better

I wouldn’t recommend it, especially if you’re in a hurry, it’s quite a complex subject. But if you really want to, then I would suggest:

I’m happy to help with any specific questions that you might have after doing this.


i would like to ask a simple question

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also i would discuss this , after today , will do my research based on the resources mentioned in here .
Thanks !!

I’m not sure what’s happening here, if @Severin doesn’t know then maybe it would be better to create a new topic for that so others can see it.

i have implmeneted my logic based on this :star2: sdk/src/canisters/frontend/ic-certified-assets at master ¡ dfinity/sdk ¡ GitHub

now i get tinvalid response hashes even though image is uploaded successfully:

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Response verification failed: The wildcard expression path provided by the "IC-Certificate" response header (["http_expr", "<*>"]) is valid for the request path ("/file-image-1.jpg"), but was not found in the tree

To me this reads like you do the right thing in http_request, but you don’t set the /http_expr/<*> value in the cert tree when uploading the files

i am able to upload max 2 mb size of files at the moment , how can we store greater than 2 mb file size ?

You have to upload files in chunks. In the canister you can then stitch the pieces back together