How to config image URLs to work the same as *.raw.* version?

using --wallet= cycles wallet in dfx deploy fixed this :grinning:

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but yea confirmed that 0.13.1 version is redirecting to
with "allow_raw_access": true in both src and assets
and key “/LUV.png” set (record { headers = null; allow_raw_access = opt true; max_age = null })

with dfx 0.14.0 also same
and dfx canister install web_site --mode reinstall --network=ic also same thing

added "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
in .ic-assets.json5 under "headers"
and the raw URL is working now

how would I use set_asset_properties to set the headers directly?

this works :smile:

dfx canister call project_name_frontend set_asset_properties '( record { key="/specific_per_asset.png"; headers=opt(opt(vec{ record{"Access-Control-Allow-Origin"; "*"}})); allow_raw_access=opt(opt(true)) })' --network ic

hopefully more dfx examples are added to examples repo readmes

dfx canister call quicksort sort '(vec { 5; 3; 0; 9; 8; 2; 1; 4; 7; 6 })'

which is the only example I could find for how to define a vec inline like this

having one full example call for each reference function would be much appreciated :hugs:

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