How do I specify parameters to pass to `rustc` when building using dfx?

I want to use the cfg! macro to conditionally inject values depending on whether I’m running on dev or mainnet.

I imagine using cfg would be the best way to do this as environment variables are not available for the wasm32-unknown-unknown target as far as I’m able to figure out trying out the std::env::var module.

What’s the easiest way to execute conditional code depending on what environment canisters are being run on? Thoughts?


You should be able to use the env! macro, which is evaluated at compile time. The DFX_NETWORK environment variable will always be set, typically to either local or ic.


Thank you. Will try this and report findings.

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If you would like to create a cfg that corresponds to this environment variable, you can use a build script that prints cargo:rustc-cfg=mainnet (or cargo:rustc-cfg=network=ic, or similar) if the environment variable is set to ic.


NYC< Thanks We Will Try Thisss

Adding to this answer, using the env! macro will not work as that will lead to a compiler error as shown below


You will need to use the option_env! macro for this to work. Like this
