GenericNervousSystemFunction error: NervousSystemFunction must have a topic

Unfortunately, quill would need to be updated to the newest version of the ICP mono repo, I made a PR for that (Bump IC version to 00b04a892dfb2fee1459f1de9d4a731aa04f1ca3 by aterga · Pull Request #259 · dfinity/quill · GitHub) but it got stuck on some build issues, and I didn’t have time to debug that yet.

The advantage of DFX is that it’s always up to date with the latest SNS API and features, and I recommend using DFX in interactive mode to submit SNS proposals more easily (no need to hand craft Candid payloads). I’m working on a documentation page for describing all of this, but it’s still a draft.

Please let me know if DFX can unblock you.

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