Hey I ran the same analysis as @neometa did in the following report
‘Service Worker Bug? Body does not pass verification’
Due to lack of streaming support in the service worker, an asset greater than 1800K bytes in size will run into the body cannot be verified error.
sha256sum /tmp/guru.fbx
fddee745a1d9676221cdafe01d3168c58f6954e8c4361c178915b55dc5914f4a /tmp/guru.fbx“/resources/hero/guru.fbx”
82 # array(2) 03 # unsigned(3) 58 20 # bytes(32) FDDEE745A1D9676221CDAFE01D3168C58F6954E8C4361C178915B55DC5914F4A # "\xFD\xDE\xE7E\xA1\xD9gb!