Even the module is kybra is installed, still throws an
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘kybra’.
Can you please confirm that you see Kybra
listed in your requirements.txt
If not, try pip install kybra
by default pip install kybra
downloads kybra version 0.6.0 could the error be due to tht ?
If that is the case, have you made sure that created and installed kybra
in the same virtual environment?
Create virtual environment:
~/.pyenv/versions/3.10.7/bin/python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
I wasnt using virtual environment and even after creating a new virtual environment and trying pip install kybra
as well as updaring the dfx.json file same error in terminal occcurs
Do you happen to have the repo available for me to try out?
My GitHub username is jennifertrin
you want to add me to a private repo as well.
Yeahh sure , I was just trying out icp on python and faced upon an error for quite a long time , it would be really helpfull if u could resolve the error
I have sent an invite from my github username stefanbinoj
have u recieved the invitation?
Can you please remove me and then resend it? Updated my account email.
I was unable to reproduce the error.
I am using Python version 3.10.7 and dfx version 0.22.0.
Here were the steps that I took:
git clone repo_url
cd repo
'python -m kybra hello_backend src/hello_backend/src/main.py src/hello_backend/hello_backend.did'
dfx deploy
I also removed "post_install": ".kybra/hello_backend/post_install.sh",
from dfx.json
as it did not seem that there was a default post_install.sh
In order to make sure that I have kybra
installed, I ran these commands:
Note: This should show which virtual environment you are in. It should be the folder that you have your repo in + /venv
For me:
I also made sure that I had kybra installed by running pip list
I understand that this is redundant but could you try these steps one more time?