Fantastic demo, @1eo! If I’m interpreting you correctly, I ought to be able to import your ic-ckbtc-minter canister by specifying its IC cid in an Actor’s constructor like this, which also currently requires me to duplicate the canister’s interface (i.e. there’s no way to specify the .did file you linked to and have it infer the interface from that), then use its public functions like any of my local canisters, right? I’ve never imported a canister from the IC.
I believe that means I will need to provide my own implementation for local development since local canisters can’t access IC canisters, and I could do that by compiling my own local canister from your above-linked Rust source, or at least by making a mock canister with the same interface as described here.
The cid I would pass to the constructor when creating the ic-ckbtc-minter Actor is not the cid in the url you listed in the demo, waaaa-aaaag-qazsa-cai, though, since that’s the cid for the frontend, right? What’s the cid for the backend canister where the backend functions live?