Direct Integration with Bitcoin

The Bitcoin integration developer preview is publicly available now

The Bitcoin developer preview has been released to the public, including all associated source code. Please visit Bitcoin integration :: Internet Computer for an overview of the release and links to the code, installation and usage instructions, the API documentation, a Wiki page with technical documentation, and example projects in Rust and Motoko.

With this release we reach an important milestone in the process towards a direct, trustless, integration with the Bitcoin network that will soon start a new era of DeFi! The developer preview enables you to start writing and testing smart contracts that use the Bitcoin API right now.

We hope that many of you will try out the preview release, start working on exciting smart contracts using the Bitcoin integration. We will greatly appreciate feedback on the developer preview, and particularly the API, to improve it further towards the final launch of the feature. We are planning to host a workshop in about a month from now where we would like to invite people interested in contributing to improvements.

Many thanks to @ielashi, @0x5279616e, and @THLO for their tremendous effort in finalizing the implementation of the developer preview, for getting the documentation ready, and even providing small sample projects in both Rust and Motoko in time for this preview release! Many thanks to everybody else who has contributed to the Bitcoin integration feature, particularly @Manu who has provided guidance w.r.t. key engineering questions!

Enjoy the developer preview, we are very much looking forward to your feedback!

The Bitcoin integration team at DFINITY