How we can convert text to principal ?
Calling this method
public shared(msg) func transfer(to: Principal, value: Nat) : async Bool {
dfx canister call sgymv-uiaaa-aaaaa-aaaia-cai transfer '(“principal h6m2n-nrloa-igrxa-r3psa-6nvfe-e3qj2-aowjt-skmcn-z6i6j-sx5b7-pae”,1000)
resulting error what could be the issue here ?
your reply much appreciated
June 18, 2021, 11:19am
To pass the principal in your dfx command needs to be just slightly different, put the word principal outside of the quotes like this:
dfx canister call sgymv-uiaaa-aaaaa-aaaia-cai transfer '(principal “h6m2n-nrloa-igrxa-r3psa-6nvfe-e3qj2-aowjt-skmcn-z6i6j-sx5b7-pae”, 1000)'
Get the following error
The Replica returned an error: code 5, message: “Canister sgymv-uiaaa-aaaaa-aaaia-cai trapped explicitly: IDL error: unexpected IDL type when parsing Nat”
Use 1000:nat
for the amount
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This is the method
public shared(msg) func transfer(to: Principal, value: Nat) : async Bool {
switch (balances.get(msg.caller)) {
case (?from_balance) {
if (from_balance >= value) {
var from_balance_new = from_balance - value;
assert(from_balance_new <= from_balance);
balances.put(msg.caller, from_balance_new);
var to_balance_new = switch (balances.get(to)) {
case (?to_balance) {
to_balance + value;
case (_) {
assert(to_balance_new >= value);
balances.put(to, to_balance_new);
return true;
} else {
return false;
case (_) {
return false;
Thanks bro
It is working
So, we need to pass the data type in the argument as well
Nat then value:nat
Nat32 then value:nat32
Am i right ?
I think it’s just a temp bug to do with how numbers are handled in dfx, there was a post about it before (can’t find it now). This is only when sending it from CLI
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Thanks Stephen.
Wondering how we can receive ICP in motoko method.
I can get the msg.caller for the callers principal.
How i can get ICP sent to the function ?
Basically want to send some tokens back to the callers based on the value of the ICP sent by the caller.
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