Contributing to External AI Agent Frameworks

openchat doesn’t add a did file for canister, so you need to call the corresponding interface in query mode

The Vly project is working on this front. It will release several functions gradually.

  1. An API that can enable an AI Agent to send any token to anyone on social network like and TikTok. Key feature here is that the recipients don’t need to own a crypto wallet in advance. The API is already publicly available. It is being integrated into the Eliza repo as a plugin for any team to use.

  2. An authentication mechanism within the Vly wallet that can approve an AI Agent to spend money on the user’s behalf within the allowed amount. This will be showcased soon: you can tag the Vly agent and it will tip other people on using crypto on your behalf.

  3. Another plugin for Eliza to allow an AI Agent to control a Vly wallet. The agent will be able to send any tokens on any chain using a unified API while having the identity of an X account owner.

We’d love to get involved in the work of the ICP community to contribute to Eliza if you wish to use the Vly project in any other way.

Twitter account of Vly is here.


could also add ICP as a database “adapter”, so that all of the data is stored in some sort of canister, instead of sql lite or postgres, etc

What would the database adapter be used for? For which part of an AI agent flow?

Great that you are contributing to Eliza! How would I get a secret token? Would love to try out the Social API to see how it works.

I suggest that you update the Social API README on how to obtain one.


DMed secret token and updated the Github page. Thanks!