Comprehensive Overview of Gold DAO

Hi @Lorimer , thank you for reaching out!

This proposal wasn’t sent by us but by some community member (maybe @krzysztofzelazko if I interpret the proposer neuron correctly?) who is trying to foster decentralisation on the NNS governance. We’ve checked the proposal and it is indeed correctly pointing to our 8 year neuron which is being followed by our other neurons, so essentially getting the full voting power of roughly 550k ICP in control of the Gold DAO.

Interestingly, we’ve been planning to become a named neuron as the Gold DAO as well and this may just move this forward a bit. Since it is all technically correct, we will endorse this proposal.

We will start by mainly focusing on topics which are directly related to us. This means new developments for SNS governance (i.e. topics about System Canister Management), Governance and SNS & Neurons' funds. However, we’ll also monitor the others and the general ethos is to vote in favour of Gold DAO’s vision and roadmap.

Side note: as the registered neuron 7446549063176501841 is in control of the Gold DAO and it will be hard to vote with this one directly, we follow our manual neuron (7577629725324745012) to perform the active voting for now.