Compounding Maturity - NNS implementation update

Hi @bjoernek,

Thank you for this !

Have you thought about the addition of the possibility to convert maturity into staked ICP within the neuron whose it is the maturity ?

Currently, the proposal only plans to allow :
– the conversion of the LIQUID maturity into STAKED maturity
– the conversion of the LIQUID maturity into LIQUID ICP

But not the the conversion of the LIQUID maturity into staked ICP

@Manu (here) and I (here and here) talked about the importance of this feature (which is the current feature), because a lot of people will prefer staked ICP to staked maturity. Both stakers have the same purpose : stake, but we force people wanting to accumulate staked ICP rather than staked maturity to spawn ICP before restaking it within their neurons.

I know @jwiegley added this point in the system and gave us the possibility to discuss it further. How is your thinking about this ?