ckETH: a canister-issued Ether twin token on the IC

Hi everyone,

Those who’re interested in testing the ckERC20 tokens, we have upgraded the testing version of the ckETH minter on ICP mainnet and added the Sepolia version of the USDC token to it.

You can obtain Sepolia ETH (from some faucet, like this or this or this) and Sepolia USDC from here.

Once you have both the Sepolia ETH and USDC, you can deposit ETH to mint ckETH as before and deposit USDC to mint ckUSDC. Note that while you don’t need ckETH to deposit USDC, you will need it to withdraw ckUSDC and receive USDC back. Some of your ckSepoliaETH will be used by the minter canister to pay for the transfer transaction on the Sepolia testnet.

You can find all instructions here.

The canister IDs of ckSepoliaETH minter can be found here, and the ckSepoliaETH minter also exposes a dashboard showing conversions and the corresponding Ethereum transactions both for ckETH and ckERC20 transactions.

Please note that you can also invoke the get_minter_info on the Sepolia minter dashboard to get all ids and ckERC20 tokens supported.

Note that there is no nice front-end yet, so you’ll have to be comfortable with some dfx calls especially for the last step. If you’re a developer and aim to support converting between ERC20 and the corresponding ck-twin token in your dapp, then you can also start experimenting with ckUSDC.

Please keep the following in mind:

  • This is still under development, so things may break, and the state of the canister might be reset upon upgrades.
  • It is expected that there are still bugs. Please help us make ckETH/ckUSDC rock solid by reporting those here.
  • In case the instructions don’t work for you, please report back, and we’ll be happy to help and improve the instructions.