I am applying for a $5k Developer Grant.
Cashier is a no-code tool for creating general purpose transactions (i.e. token gift basket, airdrop, invoice, asset sale, give/request tip, etc) and sharing them as links. We start with offering out-of-box transactions, but aim to eventually allow users to custom define transactions and UI. In addition to the grant application template, you can find more details on the public project overview page.
Please review my application and discuss! See DFINITY’s directions for becoming a registered reviewer here. They will be collected by DFINITY. When two weeks passes, DFINITY will release them and they will appear as a new section on this post.
Please review my application and discuss! If you would like to submit an official review, then please use the links below to register, see the rubric, and submit a review.
I’m looking forward to everyone’s input!
Reviewer Registration | Rubric for Evaluating | Submit a Review