Canister Output Message Queue Limits, and IC Management Canister Throttling Limits

I am not sending calls to myself. I’m executing code similar to that mentioned in this post, where I send off a bunch of async calls in parallel, and then after all the async calls are in flight, I collect the awaited results.

In my specific case, all of these asynchronous calls are hitting the IC Management canister, so then according to your description there is a single queue between my canister and the IC managment canister and that queue is filling up (hitting the 500 limit).

I’m currently able to get around the 500 limit by batching the calls (batches of ~300 or so) at a time, but wonder what might happen if I now want to do this same batching but now with a second, third, or nth canister, where canister A is batching calls to both canister B, C … all the way to canister N? At some point, would the message queue to canister A hit a cap due to all of the incoming asynchronous messages from canister B to N?