Absolute Majority Weight Proposal Draft

What a theory - that’s definitely why I went out of my way to create an amendment to their proposed design flaws, rather than pushing the proposal as it passed, and the NNS called for.

Let’s not forget this proposal is specifically optimized to assist DFINITY is regaining their voting power - as it was cited as the concern with the Periodic Followee Confirmation proposal (that has already passed).

Are you saying DFINITYs contributions to the Internet Computer are reliant on them having super majority control? Furthermore, are you trying to justify the indefinite retention of a self assigned 99.8% centralized super majority? I could have sworn DFINITY refers to themselves as just one of many contributors - if they’re the best, they should have no issue regaining their self assigned voting power.

You can call this proposal a “BS Theory” all you’d like - but that doesn’t change the fact that none of you have been able to articulate how this would have prevented spam. It quite clearly has the sole benefit of decentralization, and only would have enhanced spam at the time of proposal (which has since been amended). Clearly DFINITY didn’t do their due diligence, or only considered the inflation to their personal rewards when voting - and we’re now trying to work backwards.

I find it hilarious that you’re all so quick to try to void the proposal, which passed via NNS over a year ago, because you don’t like the outcome. A proposal was made, and it was passed.

You say that pursuing a proposal that has passed is a “poor substitute for decentralized governance”, yet you’re purposefully ignorant of the fact that this has been passed via the governance mechanism, and is actively circumvented - because DFINITY is just now realizing they don’t get inflated rewards in exchange for losing self assigned voting power (I’m not entertaining the spam thing anymore - I’ve made it abundantly clear that none of you can articulate how that stopped spam. Why? Because it enhanced it.).

How many times does a proposal have to pass before it’s valid? Or is it only valid if DFINITY likes it?

Seeming more like centralized governance to me.

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