It is clear to me that the actual design (by Dominic and Dfinity team) was done with a long term vision rewarding more investors ready to lock their investment on long term. The longer, the better reward. it make so much sense. Obviously, I see that some people would want to have the best long term reward, while being able to sell their neuron quickly. At then end, 100% would go to neurons, the rewards would go down for everyone and the ICP price would also being kept low as the entire supply would be available for sell somehow. Just make absolutely no sense to me and this is not what I have signed up for. It is a hard decision to lock for 1 year and have your investment available in a quiet short period compare to 8 years but if you have any doubt, go for the 1 year. But we have to do it and live with it.
On another related but different subject, we should first vote on how many % of votes should be needed to pass some of the proposals. Not all proposals weight the same. A change proposal that affect others financials should certainly need a 80% or 90% approvals for passing. I don’t understand why or where it comes from that a 50+1 adoption level was adopted for a fit for all proposals.