The State and Direction of Decentralization & Nodes on the Internet Computer

Thanks @Luis. Also including @diegop, and flagging both @lastmjs and @bob11 given they have recently flagged the centralization of node providers as a key concern.

I think it would be helpful to more clearly and regularly update the community on how steps (A) through (D) are going, and specifically timelines expected.

Without getting into the weeds on steps (A) through (D), the community should also have a good sense of how many node providers / owners we can expect in Q3, Q4, Q1’23, Q2’23 etc. The expectation on node provider count right now is super confusing. Realize there are many components to decentralization in a node provider context that comprise steps (A) to (D) but from a basic security standpoint the number of nodes and the number of node operators is a basic one.

Mind figuring out a workflow to keep us updated and informed on this front? I do believe there is general confusion about what it is to be expected and what will happen in the coming months.

There are other threads that dive into the weeds on which hardware spec to choose and I feel like most people don’t see the bigger zoomed out picture right now.