Subnet Management - uzr34 (II)

Thanks @rbirkner

I’ve voted to adopt proposal 134318, because it seeks to partially undo a prior proposal that I would have preferred to see rejected (however I’m not confident that the proposal summary is entirely accurate).

As can be observed, both canister which have been deployed are controlled by the very same privileged principal → 2igsz-4cjfz-unvfj-s4d3u-ftcdb-6ibug-em6tf-nzm2h-6igks-spdus-rqe. This means that even after this proposal has executed, the owners of this principal will still retain special authorization within the II subnet.

@rbirkner could you clarify what’s meant by ‘remove the authorization from the 2igsz principal’? In principle, won’t this principal still have potential to spawn new canisters within the II, given it’s control of canisters that already reside within the subnet?

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