Service Nervous System | Governance for Dapps

Ahoy folks,

We have been reading and thinking a lot about the feedback from the forum, so @lara @dralves and I have decided on the following next steps:

  1. Slow down, take the next few days to take in the feedback, make sure we grok feedback, questions, intent, etc… This may mean you will see us answering fewer questions next few days, but we are certainly actively reading and discussing. We will also share the feedback with the wider org to make sure they see it as well.

  2. We will delay the NNS motion proposal to vote. We do not think we have truly appreciated feedback so we will delay the NNS motion proposal we were expecting for next week. This is not unusual, of course, we did a similar thing with Threshold ECDSA and one of the results from stopping to listen was that we spun out a project on sandboxing led by Helge.