Service Nervous System | Governance for Dapps

I suggest that the NNS be able to send a message to the Dapp’s/SNS informing it that there is an issue (if the NNS has been advised) of the following types:

  • Operational issue
  • Security Issue
  • Compliance Issue

The Dapp can elect to reply or ignore.

If it is sufficiently grave issue, the NNS may take unilateral action based on community votes (e.g. to suspend the canister) which has always been the case. However, with an SNS in place for the Dapp, the NNS would inform the SNS that the Dapp has been suspended.

Messages received by the SNS can be processed according to the Dapps own governance model (whatever it may be) and effect changes within the Dapps according to the Dapps own policy.

The SNS should be able to handle a variety issues but also handle compliance issue of the following type:

  • terrorist content;
  • content that incites violence;
  • hate speech;
  • non-consensual sharing of intimate images; and
  • child sexual exploitation content;
  • cyber security issue;
  • money laundering
  • other criminal activity

The NNS may set reply no later than time on a message.

The SNS may also require a vote occur within the NNS time threshold.